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Full text of "God's protecting providence, man's surest help and defence, in times of the greatest difficulty, and most eminent danger. Evidenced in the remarkable deliverance of Robert Barrow, with divers other persons, from the devouring waves of the sea; amongst which they suffered shipwrack: and also, from the cruel, devouring jaws of the inhumane canibals of Florida"



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G O Ds 

Troteding Trovidehce^ 

M' A N's^ 

Sureft Help and Defence, 


Times of the Greateft Difficultyi 
' and moft Eminent Dangero 


In the Remarkable Deliverance of Eofiett ©Stioto, 
with divers other Perfbns, from the Devouring 
Waves of the Sea ^ amongft which they fuffered 


~ And alfb, 
From the cruel Devouring Jaws of the Inhumane 

Camhals of Tlo 

Faithjallj Related by one of the Perfons con-- 

cerned .there m, ^fOUatijan ?^iC"Uenfoli". k^bi-^ 

The Lord en hi ah is mlghthr than the nolfe of miny f^aieri) yea^i thdn 

the mighty ^'^aves of the Sea ^ Vidlm ^'^. ^. 
The dark places of the Earth are full of th? Habitations of Crtielh^ 

Pfa'm 74. 2o».. 

Printed {n, Ih'ihddphia: Re-printed in Lotuxcn, and Sold by 
T.SowiSt m Wbiit'Hdft-Cittri in Gracious-fireeii 1700, 


a S'^^S 



JNgratltude towards Men^ afttr fgrjat Favours received^ 
is^ arnongfl all civiliz,cd Teo^le^ Looked ufon -with a jitft 
Deteftation ^ infomuch^ that the Moral Gentiles, in Ages 
pafi^ thoH<rht they cotddglve no worfe A Charat'hr of a Perjon^ 
than to call him Ungrateful : How much more then are 
Ghriftians (efpecially in a time of fitch Light as now fhinoth) 
engaged^ to jlmn this Sin of Ingratitude towards their Godj 
whom they fenfihly hnow^ te he Tiie Fountain of all their 
Mercies ? And fnrely^ next to the infinite Me-rcy^ pcwcd 
them for Chrifl's fake^ in caitfmg the Day-fpring from on 
High to vilit their Souls, Remarkable oiuward Deliverances ' 
ciwht^ in a more than commonly remarkable manner^ to he th& 
OhjeBs of their Gratitude^ to their great Deliverer, / mnfi 
confefsj Thankfgiving (which is what we fo or Mortals cari 
return.) for the manifold Favours we daily receive from Him) 
hath its Rife in the Heart j and as Out -of the abundances' 
of the Heart the Mouth Ipeaketh, how can thofe who are 
truly thankful in Hearty hut Render the Calves of their 
Lips, in telling to their Friends and Acc^ialntance^ Hor/ > 
great things God hath done for them ? Nay^ they are fo 
ajfeEied withfach eminent Appearances of the Profcciing^ Haaid^ 
of Providence^ for their Help>^ Prefervation and Deliverance^ 
that they are not Willing to confine it to thc?n only., but to 
fablijh it the World^ that the F^mie of their GOD tnay bc 
fpread from Sea to Sea, and frdm ona end of the Earth to 
.the other. 

The followino- Relati&n bein^j lar'te^ I (hall endeavour to be 
pjort-j only^fome of the thl?jgs which fecm to me mo f Re mark-- 
able J I wonld more particularly recommend to the Reader^? 

A 2 T. Th^ 

The P R E F A C E. 

t. The Hearts of all Men are in the Hands of God^ 

he can turn them as he fleafes. When thefe Men-Eaters 
Fury was at height^ their Knives in one handy and the poor 
Shipwrack'd Feople^s Heads in the other^ their Knees upon the 
others Shoulder.^ and their Locks difmal'^ on a fudden, the 
Savages were firuck Dumhj and their Countenances cha7tgedy 
that they lock d like another Fecfle j the Caflekey (or King) 
hccc7ning as a Safe-guard to the Diftrejjed^fi-om the Injuries of 
his own Men: Nay^ fuch Corifidence put he in them^ that he 
would trufi them to remove the Money he had taken fi^om 
themfelves^ before h-e would trufi his own Feople. When they 
7vere got fom thefe y to another place^ jvhere they expecled 
7ncre Jafety, they fsund themjelves difappointed-, fijh Dangers 
frefenting themjelves as difmaUy as before \ yet God prevented - 
dny further Mifchief than the ftripping them of thofe poor 
Rags the others had left them^ and jome other Ahufes^ iphich 
by that time were grown Familiar to them^ and we7-e looked 
upon as light Afflidlions : The Caffekey'i Wfe being made 
an Injlrument for their Delivery^ jhe^ and feme others^ having 
fomething of tendernejs of Heart in them^ tho* amo/igH fuch 
an Inhumane Crew. 

2. Many weic^ the particular Deliverances^ upon occafion of 
Injuries offered: Once^ an Arrow ^M at them^ narrowly efca- 
ped them : Another time^ feme going to [hoot Arr€7i^s at them^ 
certai72 of their own Compaity caught hold of their Bows and 
Arms ^ nay^ though [owe of them fiwt^ yet their Arrows mifi. 
Net to mention the fi-equent Dangers they were in^ upon every 
fight fuj pit io7i of their beings Englifh ; of jvhich^ more a?Jon, 
And well- might thefe poor Sufferers be in continual fear of 
their Lives^ fince about a Twelve-month before^ a parcel of 
Dutch-Men, who had likewife filffered Shipwrack^ bad been 
killed and devoured:, and moreover ^ of the many Vejjds fnp-* 
pofed to be loft 07i that coaft^ thefe are the frft Company that 
are known to have efcaped. Neither is it fo wond^rful^ that 
they are thtts Cruel to Strangers^ fince they are unnatural to 
their 07rn aged People 3 they having m mors Cowpajfton on 



them^ than to make them Slaves to the Tomger, Yet are th.efe 
Men-Eaters as Cowardly as Cruel \ when the Spaniards 
came r/p, the fight of a Rufty Musket frefented towards them^ 
would make federal of them file. 

2. The Dangers they were delivered fpom^ arofe not only 
from Men, hut the Elements alfo^ 7vhich Gcd permitted to 
threaten and ajflitl them. One time, rowing in their Boat^ 
the Sea fwelCd^ fo that it was dangerous contir.ui^ig there all 
' Night, and as dangerous to endeavour for the Shoar j yet 
Providence failed them not, hut conducled them fafe thither ., 
as though there had been a Lane made through the Breakers : 
A7JDther ti?ney by reafon of a great Flood, they were forced to 
remove their Lodgings feveral times, and for d.vers days^ 
were in a continual apprehenfion of being drowned'^ at leiigth 
were preferved on ^w Oyfter-Hill. Not to mention the fie^ 
quent Dangers they were in^ by reafon of the extream Coldy 
too tediuiis to touch at here • wherein this^ however, is re^ 
markable, that God can both admimfler Strength, in the 
midfi of Weaknefs, and alfo take away Strength, and caufe 
Weaknefs to Jeiz>e, whenever he pie aft s : Here was an Old 
Man, a Woman with a Sucking Child, and another with- 
Child, Perfons feemingly very unlikely to eiKOunter fucb 
Hardpips, all efcaped ^ and divers Negroes, ufed to more 
hardne/s^ periJJjed. 

4. As to Lodging, I JI} a II fay little, any difcreet Perfon may 
imagine, how hard it ivas to People, well brought upf to lie 
on a Floor, fuarming jvith abundance of many forts of creep- 
ing things^ occafioned by the throwing the Berry-Stones on the 
Floor, and letting all the Naflinejs they made lie there^ which 
bred thefe Vermine \ and yet perhaps might be accounted good 
Lodging, in comparifon of the cold Ground^ whereoJi they often 
lay afterwards unjJjeltredj expo fed to the bleak Blaft^ of thd 
n>/'^ Norch-Weft-Wind 

5:. Their Food mo/l f canty j the be (I of it fucb, as ( I am 
ready to think) the meaneft Negro here would not touch 
^vith his Lips 5 fcmetimes the Gills and Guts of Fifl), pick\l off 
' A3 aDuno-^ 

The P R E E A C E. 

a Dunghill j fometimes the Scraps the Indians fiung away^ 
and the tVater they boiled their FijJj in^ though »ever fo «»- 
decently handled. At firft their Sorrows Tvere fo great^ and 
their Alarms fo many^ they could not eat ^ afterwards their 
pietfo uncouth, they could not away with ity until^ at lengthy 
Hunger had fo far p-ev ailed over them, that they could eat 
iwith an Appetite the PalmetL6- Berries j the tajie^whereqf 
"^vas once irkfome^ and ready to take away their Breath j nay^ 
fo fo'tid were they of them^ that the getting of about a Bujbel 
accide72tally, was loolid on as a great Vriz>e, 

6. Their being forced to mask themselves under the name 
c/ Spaniards, though few cf them could fpeak any Spanifli, 
'^vas afJGther Flardjhip j mofily becaufe the Natives often fu^ 
ffeBed them to be Engiifh, and thereby they 7i^ere continually 
in danger of their Lives. Whether their Cruelty againfi the 
EngiiHi, proceeds from their being under no apprehenfon of 
J) anger f'om. them, and fo may thifikthemfelves lawlefs in 
whit they do again jl otp' Nation'^ or whether it proceeds fi-om 
any particular Dfgufi cjfered them by feme Englifii, I Jhall 
not determine : Ho22y'ever, it 7Vould do 7i^ell, for thofe that 
are net under their Power ^ to avoid giving them any jufi caufe 
efmfenccy le^ their Neighbours fujfer for their faults. One 
cf tleje Savages could con^plain^ That, lome Years paft, 
lie had been taken off by fome of our EngUfio Sloops, 
from whom he efcaped by Svy'imming, and was there- 
'ivith difgufed^' infomuchj 'that could he, by his fifting^ have 
found eft, that they were Engliih^ it might have proved of 
ill Conieqiience to 4hem, 

7. The Courtefte cf the Governour of Augufleen, who 
Clothed tbefe naked Veople, led, their hungry Stomachs, and 
"cau fed them, to be Cond^^Bed fafely to Carolina, is net to he 
faffd by, '.without due ?iotice'^ efpecially, being a Man of 
mother Nation, as well as of a different Religion ^ and what 
% more, of jlich an one, as doth not teach its Votaries [g 
f^ucb Co-mpafon towards thofe they count Hereticks : Nei-^ 
rhr kt ros fornt ths Governot^r of Carolina, ^vhof^ Gene- 


rofity cowfleated v^hat the Govcrnour of Aiiglifleen h.^d 
begun^ in afjijilvg and cber'ipjwg thefe cm^ fijjiicled Frie?jdi 
and Country-Folks ^ with whicb^ I jhall co^iclude thefe Re- 
marks, to treat more farticularly^ concerjiing that Faithful 
Servant cf the LorJy Robert Barrow; 7i'ho n^as one of thps 

This Alan of God, whofe Habitation was in cne of th€ 
Northern Counties cf England, was early Convinced of the 
blejfed Truth of Goa^ p-ofejjed by the Veofle called Quakers, 
and foon after had a Difpenfation of the Gofpel commit- 
ted to him. He lived, in his Native Country, in efleem 
amcngfl his Neighbours^ for his Godly Converfation 3 and ho- 
noured in the Church of God, as an Elder^ who had abode 
Faithful in his Tefiimony, both in Vreaching the Gofpel, Suf" 
faring for the fame, and Behaving himfelf anfwerable there- 
unto. And in the Tear K594. the Sprit of God (from whom 
he fvrfi had his CommtJJion) requiring him to come over into 
thefe parts^ to Vreach the Gofpel here alfo j he was not dif- 
obedient to the Heavenly Call, but gave up to do the Will 
of God., though in a Crefs to his oivn, as appeared by an Ex- 
prejjion of hts, before he left England, which was to this effe5I\ 
That he had rather immediately have laid dox"?!"! his 
natural Life there, if by fo doing he could have kept 
his Peace with God, than to have crofied the Seas to 
America. Wdl-j hither he came ; and after he had throughly 
Vifited thefe parts, he took Ship for the Weft-Indian Iflands j 
and at length, was returning fom Jamaica to this Town of 
Philadelphia, when thefe Calamities^ mentioned in the enfu- 
ing Journal, befel him : How he behaved himfelf under them 
is therein exprefedj with what Tatience he was carried through 
them, with what Faith he overcame, even the very worft of 
Men ; fo that it may be faid. He was more than a Con- 
queror over thofe Blood-thirfty Canibals , looking to Him 
who was Invilible, and by his Grace feeing beyond Them 
and their Cruelty ^ by Frayer, Wreftling with God for a 
JBieifing j ivm thsBleffmg of beijtg deUvared out of their Bar- 

A 4 barom^ 

The P R E F A C E. 

iarcm Haniis^ and laying his Bones amongfi Faithful Friends ^ 
f^7d jo tffdiual ivere his fervent Frajers^ that they prevailed 
wjrh God ; and fo gracious was his God unto kim^ that he 
Jealed an ajfurance upon his Spirit^ That his Frayers ivere 
i^pard avdfljo'dld in due time he anjwered, before he was yet 
cff his KfJc?s. And^ doubtlefsy he was made a Strength and 
a Coff^fort to his Companions in AjfiiBion^ wbofe remembrance 
wiH riot be eaply blotted cut of their Minds, 

One Remarkable Paffage I cannot well cmit^ which de^ 
Tuonflrates he bad 7veU learn d of Him who is a God of 
TifUth, to ffcak the Truth upon all cccafionsy though with 
th^ haz^ard of his Life. For^ as the Reader may obferve in 
the Series of this following Relation^ thefe poor Feople^for the 
Safe -guard of their Lives ^ had ajfumed the name of Spani- 
ards 5 feme on that aceount^ afferting what was wrongs othe/s 
concealing the Truth 3 yet this Honejl-hearted Man, being 
iireBly cashed the Queflion, Nickaleer, Nickaleer ? (their 
W^d for Englifh-Men) could do neither'^ but in Simplicity 
anfwered^ Ycs '-, being asked fo concerning another, he ag/iin 
'anf%^^red. Yes. Tet, though for his plain dealing, he was 
'firipf^d of his clothes, which till then he had faved, God 
fyffaed 'wt thefe Savages to touch his Life, or the Lives of 
any of his Company, ' 

This he pffd through this AfficlingTrial, and at length 
arrived a; this place en the tfi Day of the zd Montb^ '^97' 
though in much Weahiefs j hiivii^g been takefi very ill of the 
Belly- ach and Flu^ at Augufteen j of_ which he yiev'er re- 
cover^.d-i but fiill grew w.orfe and worfe, to his dying Day. 
It 7vas about the Hth hour in the Evening when the Bar- 
ken tine, he was Pajfenger in, arrived at this place. Divers 
Friefjd^' went on Beard,- iii order to get him a Shoar, but h^ 
beinir in w very weak Condition, they could not remove him 
at that time. He ' declared^ His great facisfadtion, that 
the Lord had granted his Requeil, that he might hy 
Uqwh'Ms Bones |n ihis place, that his Heart was 
ftrang, an^ he hoped he might firft fee Frundk again 

The P R £ F A C E. 

at the Meeting. He made mention of the Goodnefs 
of God to him, and that his Prefence had attended 
him in all his Exercifes. 

The next Mornings being the id of the id Month, divers 
Friends went on Boards to help the Veffel up to a JVarf^ in 
(hrder to get him m Shoar ^ in which time he [pake as before 
related^ God's Power attending him. ^bont the jth 
houry divers Frie??ds carried him in a Hammocker (being 
- wrap^d Hp in a Blanket^ and Clothes to keep him warm ) 
to the Honfe of Samuel Carpenter, where he declared^ 
The Goodiiefs of God to him j and that his Heart was 
yet Itrong, and his Memory and Underftanding good. 
After which he was fhifted, and then flept a conllder- 
able time. 

On the fame JD'^y-, fome Friends coming into the Room 
to vift him^ at the fght of them he feemed to rejoyce j 
and J putting forth his Hand^ was ready to embrace 
them in much Love^ and in a very tender frame of 
Spirit. The Friends exprejfed their gladnefs to fee him ^ hut 
faidj They were forry to fee him fo very weak : To 
which he replied^ Although my Body be weak, my Mind 
is found, and- Memory good. And further faid^ The 
Lord hath been very good to me, all along unto this 
very Day ^ and this Morning hath fweetly refrefhed 
me. And further added^ The Lord hath anfwered my 
Defire ^ for I delired Content, and that I might come 
to this place, to lay my Bones amongft you. And 
afterwards faid^ It is a good thing to have a Confci- 
ence vqid of Offence, both towards God, and towards 

X)n the ^th Day of the id Month ^ being the ifi Day of 
the IVcek-y about the ^th hour in the Mornings he de fired ct 
Friend to write for him to his dear Wife^ To remember his 
dear Love to her ^ and to let her know of his Travels, 
and being here^ and that the Lord was with him^ 
tli^^t his outward Affairs were fettled ^ and that ihe had 
wherev/ith-all to live on. J^ farther faid^ diver; Friends 


The P R E F A C F. 

^}iftg freferit^ That the. Lord was with him, and all 
things were well ^ and that he had nothing to do, but 
to Dye : j4nd accordingly on this Day he departed ^ and 
on the ^d Day following^ being the 6th Day of the id 
jMonth^ was httried in triends Burying-groundy in this Town 
«/ Philadelphia. 

Arid now^ having broHght my Relation^ concerning this 1 
9ood Man^ to the lafi Period of his Life^ I might very well \ 
have pit a Period to my Preface : But that Ifhefee^ Some 
Ferfons may be ready to fay^ Here is an account of very 
ftrange Paflages, but of what Credit is the Relatcir ? 
May we depend upon his Authority, without danger 
of being impofed upon ? To fuch I anfvoer^ He is aAian 
well \nov0n in this Town^ of good Credit and Repute ^ on 
whofe Fidelity and Veracity^ thofe who have any knowledge 
of himj will readily rely^ without fiifpeUing Fallacy. Bnt^ 
that in the Mouth of two or three WitnelTes every 
thing may be eftablifhed, befides him and his Wife^ a 
Terfon^ whofe refdence (when at home ) is in this Town^ 
viz.* Jofeph Kirle, the Mafter of the B^rkentme^ in which 
they faffered Skipwrack^ a Man of an honefi CharaEier among]!: 
his NeiMourSy had the Peritfal of it^ before it went to the 
Trefs^ and approved it. With which 1 flj alt conclude ^ wifli- 
ing »;/ Reader much fatisfaUion in the Reading of itj but 
never the Vnhappinefs of Experiencing^ in proper Perfon^ the 
trmh of it. 


( « ) 

A Journal of the Travels of fever al Perjonsj 
with their Sufferings^ being caji away in 
the Gulph ( among the Canibals ) of 

' Florida^ i^c. 

The Perfons Names,, viz. 

yofe^h Kirle^ Commander of the Barkentme-Re formation. 

Richard Limfeny^ Mate. Thomas Fownes, 

Solomon Crejfon, Thomas Jemmet. 

Jofefh Buckley. Nathaniel Randal. ^Marriners,' 

John Milliard^ the Mafter's Boy. 

Ben. the Mafters Negro. 

Jonathan Dickenfon. Robert Barrow. 
Mary Dickenfon. Benjamin Allen. 

Jonathan Dickenfon^ a Sucking Child, 
Six Months old. 


Teter. London. Jack. Cafar. Negro Men. ") p j 

Cajoe, a Child. Hagar. Sarah. Bella. ( ticlonging 
Sufanna. Ouenfa. Negro Women. ('fo//"f^^'* 
Ventss, ^n Indian Girlc. ) ^^^ W^«- 

THE Twenty-third Day of the Sixth Month, 
CTLVid Auguft^ i6()6. Being in Company with 
Twelve or Thirteen Sail of Merchant-Men, 
under the Convoy of the Hampjhire-fx'igot, Captain 
Fletcher Commander, Sailed from Fm-Royal^ in Jamais 
cay we being bound for Fenfihania, 



The t4th Day, About Noon came a Sloop from 
Tort-Royd^ meeting US oif Porf/<K« J ; gave an Account 
of the French Fleet's being at Cafe Antonio. ' . 

This Evening we lay by o^ Black-Rivers-Mowih^ m 
order to go the next Morning to BkivfieU ; but it be- 
ing Calm for many Days following, the Current drove 
to Weftward of the Ifland. 

The 31ft Day, This Evening we Joft fight of the 
Hamplhir e-¥ngoz, and then beat to Windward again. 

The I ft Day, the yth Month, we anchored to Weft- 
ward of Savina la Mar^ and loft our Anchor. 

The id Day, We got io BUwfieU Road to Water. 

The- 4th Day, This Morning we Sailed from Blev)- 
feU, intending our Paflage through theGulph. 

The 14th Day, ^About Noon, were a Breaft with 
Cafe Antonio j and about a League to the Eaftwards oft 
the Cafe was a Fire, making a great Smoak : At length 
People appeared on the Bay, making figns for us to 
put on Shoar , but having a frefh G^le, and not know- 
ing who they -were, our Mafter would not. 

This Day we made the Table- land of the Ha<uana^2in^ 
this Evening ftood over for Cafe Florida j but about 
Eight or Nine at Night we faw two Lights, being 
about a Mile from us 3 we fearing we were got 
amongft the French Fleet, tacked, and ftood for the 

The 1 8th Day, This Morning no Sail appeared, and 
being moft of the Day Calm, we lay about Four 
Leagues off the Havana ; we had a fair Wind, and 
weie defigned for that Port, to enquire of the French 
Fleet. This Afternoon came a Turnado from the 
Land, and our, Mafter being on the Quarter- Deck, 
our Boom gibing knocked him down, and broke his 
Leg ; which Accident was grievous to him and us \ 
but having things fuitable, with a little Experience, 
fct it. At this time had I Four of my Family very 

Sick 3 


Sick 3 one wherepf was an Indian Girl, being juft as I 
had bound up the Mafter's Leg, taken unh Fits, 
which continued fome Hours, and then fhe died. 
This Evening we ftood over for Caps Florida^ having 
the Wind North- Eaflcrly. 

The 12th Day, This Morning the Wind not being 
fair, we ftood up for Cuba-^ and about Sun-ridng we 
efpyed the Sails that we faw before, they ftanding as 
we ftood : Therefore we fuppofed them to be fome 
of our Company , we wronged them in Sailing, and 
by Noon loft fight of them. About Four this After- 
noon we efpyed a Ship, to the Eaftward of us ( we 
being about Four Leagues off Shoar, and about Fifteen 
Leagues to Eaftward of the Havana ) fuppofing her 
jto be a French-Man, therefore ftood in for the Shoar ^ 
put (he gained on us : Then a Turnado fprang up, and 
p great Shower of Rain followed, which hid us. Kere-^ 
upon we tacked, and ftood oyer for Florida. Nighc 
came on, that we faw no more of that Sail, havine 
the Wind fair. ^ 

The 20th Day, This Morning we were in the Gulph 
having a fair Wind, and feeing the two Ships follow- 
ing us, we believed them to be of our Company. 

The 2ift Day, This Morning the Wind at Eaft, and 
(hiking Northerly. 

The 22d Day, This Day the Storm began at JV. E. 

The 23d Day, About One a Clock in the Morning 
we felt our Veflel ftrike fome few ftrokes, and then 
ftie Floated again, for five or fix Minutes, before /he 
ran faft a Ground, where flie beat violently ac firft ^ 
the Wind was violent, and it was very dark, that our 
Marriners could fee no Land: The Seas 'broke over 
i^s, that .we were in a quarter of an hour Floating 
n the Cabin : We endeavoured to get .a Candle 
ighted, which in a Wuk time was accompli/hcd. By 
:his time we kk the VefTel not to ftrike fo often j but 


(4) 1 

feverai of her Timbers were broken, and fome Plank 
ftarred j the Seas continued breaking over us, and no 
Land to be (ccn. We concluded to keep in the Veflel 
as long as fhe would hold together. About the Third 
Hour this Morning, wefuppofcd wefaw Land atfomc 
confiderable diftance : And at this time we found the 
Water began to run out of the Veflel j and at Day- 
light we perceived we were upon the Shoar, on a , 
Beach lying on the Breach of the Sea 3 which, at times, * 
as the Surges of the Sea reverfed, was dry. In taking 
a view of our VeiTel, we found that the Violence of 
the Weather had forced many forts of the Sea-Birds on , 
board of our Veflel ^ fome of which were, by force of 
Wind, blown into, and under our Hen Cubs, and ma- 
tiy I'cmained alive. Our Hogs and Sheep were wafhed 
away, and fu'am on Shoar, except one of the Hogs,,, 
which remained in the Veflel. We rejoyced at this ; 
out Prefervation from the raging Seas, but at the I 
fame Inftant feared the fad Confequences that follow- 
ed j yet, having Hopes ftill, we got our Sick and Lame 
on Shoar; alfo our Provifions, with Sparrs and Sails 
to make a Tent. I went, with one Negyo, to view 
the Land, and feek the mofl: convenient place for that 
purpofe. But the Wildernefs Country looked very 
difmal, having no Trees, but only Sand-Hills, cover- 
ed with fhrubby Valmetto^ the ftalks of which were 
prickly, that there was no walking amongft them :• 
I efpied a place almofl: a Furlong withitj that Beach, 
being a Bottom ^ to this place 1 v^'ith my itegro foon 
CUE a PafTage, the Storm and Rain continuing. Thi*- 
ther I got my Wife and Sick Child, being fix Months, 
and twelve days old ^ 2\{o Robert Barrow, an aged Man, 
who had been Sick about five or Ijx Months ; our Ma- 
iler, who feme days pad had broke his Leg, and my 
Km{m2Ln Benjamin Allan, who had been very ill, with 
a violent Fever, mod parr of the Voyage '; Thefe, with > 



Others, we got to the place, under the fheltcr of feme 
few Bufhes, which brolce fom© of the Wind, but kept 
none of the Rain from them ^ I got a Fire made: The 
mod of our People were getting Proviiions a Shear \ 
our Chefts, Trunks, and the reft of our Clothing, were 
fiW very wet and cold. 

About the Eighth or Ninth hour, came two Indian- 
Men ( being naked, except a fmall piece of plaited 
work, of Straws, which juft hid their private Parts, 
and faftned behind Hke a Horfe-Tail in likenefs, made 
of a fort of Silk-Grafs) from the Southward^ running 
fiercely, and foaming at the Mouth, having no Wea- 
pons but their Knives, and forthwith, not making any 
(lop, violently feized the two firft of our Men they 
met with, who were carrying Corn from the Veflfel 
to the top of the Bank, where I ftood to receive it, 
and put it into a Cask j they ufed no Violence, for 
the Men refifted not ; but taking them under the Arm, 
brought them towards me; Their Countenance was 
very Furious and Bloody : They had their Hair tyed 
in a Roll behind, in which ftuck two Bones fhaped, 
one like a Broad Arrow, the other a Spear Head ^ 
the reft of our Men followed from the Ve&l, asking 
I me what they fhould do, whether they fhould get 
; their Guns to kill thefe two ; but I perfwaded them 
i other wife, defiring them to be quiet, /hewing their 
inability to defend us from what would follow, but 
10 put our Tru ft in the Lord, who was able to defend 
to the utcermoft. I walked towards the place where 
our Sick and Lame were, the two Indian Men follow- 
ing me, I told them the Indians were come and com- 
ing upon us : And whilft thefe two ( letting the Men 
loofe) ftood with a wild furious Conttenance, looking 
upon us j I thought with my felf to give them fome 
Tobacco and Pipes, which they greedily fnatch*d from 
me, and making a fnuffing Noife, like a Wild-Beafr, 
turned their backs upon us, and run away. We 

. ( 6 ) • ^ 

We communed together, and confidercd our Conf , 
dition, being among a barbarous People, fuch as were j 
generally accounted Men-Eaters, believing thofe two J 
were gone to alarm their People : We fat our felves 
down, expecting Cruelty and hard Death, except it 
jfiiould pieafe.the Almighty God to work wonderfully 
for our Deliverance. In this deep Concernment fome 
of us were not kh without Hopes j blefled be the 
Name of the Lord, in whom we trufted. 

As we were under a deep Exercife and Concernment, 
a Motion arofe from one of us, that if we fhould put 
our felves under the Denomination of Spaniards^ ( it 
being known that that Nation had fome Influence on 
them ) and one of us, named Solomon Creffon, fpeaking j 
Spanijl} Language well, it was hop'd this might be a: 
means for our delivery v to which, the moH of the 
Company affented. 

Within two or .hree hours after the departure of 
the two Indians, fome of our People being near the 
Beach or Strand, returned and faid, The Indians were ; 
coming in a very great Number, ^W running, and 
iiiouting. About this time the Storm was much aba- 
ted, the Rain ceafcd, and the Sun appeared, whiclt | 
had been hid from us feveral days. Thclndiam went 
all to the VefTel, calling forth what-ever they could 
lay hold on, except Rum, Sugar, MoloiToes, Beefa-nd 

But ihtn Cajfckey (for fo they call their King) with 
about thirty more, came down to us in a furious 
manner, having a difmal Afpedt, and foaming at the 
Mouth j their Weapons were large Spanifi Knives, 
except their CaJJlkefs, who had a Baggonet, that be- 
longed to the Mafter of our Veffel ^ they rufhed in 
upon us, and cried, Nic^kaleer, Nickaleer ^ we under- 
Itood them not at firft j they repeating it unto us of- 
leu, at laft they cried, Eipnia^ or Spaniard j by whichr 


ive undeidood them, that at firft they meant Ew^/i/7;" j 

bur they were anfwered to the latter in Sfanijli, Y^U 
to which they replied, No Spania^ no ; but all cry'd 
Nickaleefy Nlckaleer : We fitting on our Chefts^ Boxea 
and Trunks, and feme on the Ground, the InJiani 
furrounded us; we ftirred nor moved nor^ but fat 
ail, or moft of us, very Calm and Still, fome of us iri 
a good frame of Spirit, being freely given up lo chd 
Will of God. 

Whilft we were thus fitting, as a People almoft ud- 
concern*d, thefe Bloody-minded Creatures placed ihem- 
felves each behind one, kicking and throwing awajr 
the Buflies that were nigh, or under rheir Feet 'i the 
Caffekey had placed himfelf behind me, (landing on the 
Chert which I fat upon ^ they all having their Ariiis 
extended, with their Knives in their Hands, ready td 
execute their Bloody Dcfign, fome taking hold of foftid 
of us by the Heads, with their Knees let againft out 
Shoulders *, in this Pofture they feem'd to wait for ihd 
Cajjekey to begin : They Were high in words, which 
we underllood not. But on a fudden, k pleafed the 
Lord to work wonderfully for our Prefervadon^ and 
inftantly all thefe Savage-Men were ftruek Dumb^ and 
like Men amazed, the fpace of a quarter of an hoor^ 
in which time their Countenances fell, and they look- 
ed like another People. They quitted their places the^ 
had taken behind us, and carne in amongft us^ tequi-- 
ting to have all our Chefts, Trunks and Boxes unlock'd^ 
which being done, they divided all that was in thetn,' 
Our Money the Cajfekey took unto himlelf, privateljr 
hiding it in the Bufhes; then they went to pulling off 
our Clothes, leaving each of us only a pair of B^ecche^ 
or an old Coat, except my Wife and Child, RohettBarroii^^ 
and our Mailer, from whom they took but littfc this 
day: Having thus done, they asked us again, Nickaktr^ 
i^idaletr ? But we anfv/^rcd, by faying, F^nfilvm^, 

6 W^ 

( s ) 

We began to enquire after St. Augujleen^ alfo would 
talkof St.^Z^cedJ, which was a Town that lay about 
a Degree to the Northward ^ but they cunningly 
would feem to perfwade us, that they both lay to the 
Southward : We (ignified to them, that they lay to the 
Northward , and we would talk of the Havmia^ that 
lay to the Southward. Thefe places they had heard of, 
and knew which way they lay. ; 

At length, the Cajfehy told US, how long it was to 
St. a Lucea^ by Days Travel •, but cared not to hear us 
mention St. Auguftcen, They would iignifie by iigns, 
We fhould go to the Southward. We anfwered, That 
' we muft go to the Northward, for Augufleen. When 
they found they could not otherwife perfwade us, they 
fignified, that we fhould go to the Southward, for the 
"Havana, and that it was but a little way. 
- We gave them to underftand, that we came that 
way, and were for the Northward , all which took 
place with them. We perceived, that the Cafekefs 
Heart was tendered towards us ^ for he kept nioftly 
with us, and would the remaining part of this day 
keep off the Fettj-Rohhers, which would have had our 
• few Rags from us. Some time before Night we had a 
Shower of Rain, whereupon the Cajf'ekej made figns for 
us to bnildfome Shelter^ upon which we got ourTent^ 
iTD, and fome Leaves to lie upon. ^ 

' About this time our Veifel hy dry on S|)qar, and thej 
j7?^/-.w^ giithered chemfelves together, Men'and Women J 
feme Hundreds in number. Having got all the Good^ 
out of the Veilel, and covered the Bay for a large di- 
TfiTnce, open'd all the Stuffs and Linnen, and fpread thenr 
to dry. They would touch no fort of ftrong Drmk 
Sugar, nor Moloffoes. but left it in the Ve&L The 
Shouted, and made great Noifes in the time of Plunde 
Night coming on, the Cajfckej put thofe Chefts an 
Trunks, which he had referved for himfelf, into on 


( 9 ) 

Tent ; Which pleafed us, and gave an exped^ation of \n§ 
company ^ for he was now become a Defender of iis 
from the Rage of others. The Cajjekey went down to 
the Water-fide, amongft his People, and returned with 
three old Coats, that were wet and torn, which he gaVe 
us'^ one whereof I had. We made a Fire at each end 
of our Tent, and laid our felves down, it being dark t 
But hearing hideous Noifes, aud fearing that they were 
not fatisfied, we expedted them Upon us. The chief 
Indian (or Cajfekcy ) lay in the Tent upon his CheftSo 
And about Mid- night we heard a Company of /W/^»i 
coming from the VeflTel tow^ards us, making terribld 
Shouts, and coming fiercely up to the Tent j the Caf- 
fekey called to them, which caufed them to ftand. It 
feem'd they had kilfd a Hog, and brought him 3 io 
the Cajjekey asked us, if we would eat the Hog? Solomon 
CreJJo7t, by ourdefire, anfwered him, Tliatweufed noc 
to eat at that time of the Nighty whereupon they threw 
the Hog down before the Tent, and the Cajjekey fenc 
them away. They went Shouting 10 the Sea-flioar^ 
where there were fome Hundreds of them, Revelling 
about our Wreck. 

The 2 ^th of the jth Month, the 6th day cf the TVeek, 

This Morning, having purpofed to endeavour for 
Liberty to pafs to the Northward, Solomon opened the 
matter to the Cajjekey^ who anfwered. We muft go to 
his Town to the Southward. 

This' occafioned us to prefs him more urgently, to 
let us go for St. ^ Lucea^ ( this place having a Spa7n[l3 
Name, fuppofed to have found it under the Govern- 
ment of that Nation^ whence we might expect Relief) 
But the Cajjekey told US, That if Was^about tvo or three 
"Day's Journey thither 5 and that, when we came there, 
we jliould have our Throats and Scalps cut, and be /hot, 
butn'd, and eaten. We thought that Information was 
bat to divcrr us, fo that we were more carneft to go 3 

but he {lernly denied us, faying, We muft go to his 

About Eight a Clock this Morning, the Caffekey came 
into our Tenr, and fet himfelf amongft us, asking the 
old Queftion, Nickaleer, Nickaleer? Directing his Speech 
to one particular of us, who in fimpliciry anfwered, 
Tes: Which caufed the Caffekey to ask the faid Perfon, 
If another Perfon, which he pointed to, yNSLsNickaleer? 
He anfwered, Tes. Then he faid, Totus (or all) Nicka- 
Uer ^ and went from amongft us: Returning in a fhort 
time, with fome of his Men with him, and a-frefh 
they went greedily to ftrip my l-Vife and Child^ Rebert 
Barrow., and our JWa/^er^ who had efcaped till now. 
Thus were we kft almoft Naked, till the Feud was 
fomething abated ^ and then we got fomewhat from 
them, which difpleafed fome of them. We then 
cut our Tents in pieces, and got the mod of our 
Clothing out of it^ which the W/'^wj perceiving, took 
the Remains from us. We Men had molt of us Breeches, 
and pieces of Canvas ; and all the Company interceded 
for my Wife, that all was not taken from her. About 
Noon, the hdia?is having removed all the Plunder off 
the Baj, and many of them gone ^ a Guard was pro- 
vided, arm'd with Bows and Arrows, with whom we 
werefummoned-to march, and a Burden provided for 
every one to carry, that was any ways able. Our 
Mafter, with his broken Leg, was help'd along by his 
Negro Ben. My Wife was forced to carry her Child, 
they not fuifering any of us to relieve her : But if any 
of us ofFer'd to lay down our Burden, we were thrcat- 
ned to be fhot. Thus were we forced along the Beach., 
bare- footed. 

We had faved one of the Mailer's Quadrants, and Sea^ A 
mens Calender, with two Other Books. As we walked 
along the Bay, ( the time fuiting ) our Mate, Richard 
Liwpeny^ took an Obfervation, and wc found our 


( " ) :^ 

ftlves to be in the Latitude of twenty feven Degrees 
and eight Minutes : Some of the Indians were offended 
at it, when he held up his Quadrant to obfcrve, one 
would draw an Arrow to fhoot him-, but it pleafed 
God hitherto to prevent them from fhedding any of 
our Blood. 

One Paffage I have omitted : Two of our Manwers, 
named Thomas Fowncs and Richard Lin; feny^ went forth 
-this Morning, from our Tent, down to the Bay, where 
the Indians were, and viewing of them at fome di- 
ftance, an IndimM^u came running upon them, with 
his Knife in his Hand, took hold o^ Thomas Fowves to 
Stab him ^ but the faid Thomas fell on his Knees, 
ufing a S^anif) Ceremony, and begged not to kill 
himj whereupon the Indian defifted, and bid him be 
gone to the place from whence he came. The faid 
Thomas, at his return, acquainted us how narrowly he 
had efcaped. 

After we had travelled about five Miles along the 
deep Sand, the Sun being extream hot, wc came to an 
Inlet ; on the other llde was the Indian-Town^ being 
little Wig-warns made of fmall Poles ftuck in the Ground, 
. which they bended one to another, making an Arch, 
and covered them with Thatch of fmall Palmetto- leave Sy 
here we Were commanded to fit down, and the Caf- 
fekey came to us, who with his hand fcratch*d a hole 
in the Sand, about a Foot deep, and came to Water, 
which he made Signs for us to come and drink, we 
being extream thirfty, did, but^the Water was almoft 
Salt. Whilft we fate here, we faw great Fires making 
on the oTher fide of the Inlet, which fome of us 
thought was preparing for us. After an hour's time 
being fpent here, at length came an Indian with a fmall 
Cannoo from the other lide, and. I, with my Wife and 
Child, and Rohsrt Barrow^ were ordered to go in j the 
fame Qamoo was but juft wide enough for us to (\t 

B 3 down 

( 12 ) 

Qown in 5 over we were carried, and being landed, 
£he^ Maa made figns for us to walk to the Wipvamsy 
which we did -^ but the young Indians would fcem to 
be frightfled, and flie from us. We were directed to 
a Wigwam^ which afterwards y/e underftood to be the 
Cajjekefs: It was about a Man's height to the top ^ 
Herein was the Cajfeke/s Wife, and fome old Women, 
fitting on a Cabbin, made of Sticks, about a foot high, 
covered with a Mat , they made (igns for us to (it down 
on the Ground, which we did. The CaJJeke/s Wife 
having a young Child fucking at her Bread, gave it to 
another Woman, and would have my Child, which 
my Wife was very loath to fuffer ^ yet flie would not be 
denyed, but took our Child and fuckled it at her Breaft, 
viewing and feeling it from top to toe, and at length re- 
turned it to my Wife. And by this time was another 
parcel of our People come over, and fitting down by 
the Wigivam fide, one Indian brought a Fifli boiled, on 
3 Palmetto-Leaf, and fet it down amongft us, making 
iigns for us to eat-, but our Exercife was too great 
for us to have any Inclination to receive Food ^ at 
length our People Vv^ere brought over, and afterwards 
came the Cajfekey ■ as foon as he came to his Wigwam^ 
he ^Qt himfelf to Vv'ork, got fome Stakes, and (luck 
|:hem in a row, joyning to his Wigvjam^ and tyed 
fome StickSj whereon were thefe fmall Falmettoes tyed^ 
and fanned them to the Stakes, about three Foot high, 
and lay'd two or three Mats made of Reeds down by 
his Shelter ; which, ir feems, he made for us, to break 
the Wind off us, and ordered us to lie down there j 
which we did, as many as the Mats would hold, the 
reft lay on the Ground by us. The Cafekey went into 
his PP:Jg7mm^-2Lnd feated himfelf on his Cabbin crofs- 
legged, having a Basket of Falmetto-Bemes brought 
liim, which he eat very greedily •, after which came 
ibme Indium in to him, and talk'd much. Night came 

' on. 

( I? ) 

on, the Moon being up, an Indian^ who peiformeth, 
ihdt Ceremonies^ flood our, looking full at the Moon,, 
making a hideous Noife, and crying our, a61ing like 
a Mad-man, for rhe fpace of half an hour, all thelw- 
dians being filenr rill he had done \ after which they 
alJ made a fearful Noife, fome like the Barking of a 
Dog, Wolf, and other ftrange Sounds ^ after this, one 
gets a Log, and fets himfelf down, holding the Stick 
or Log upright on the Ground, and feveral others 
getting about him, making a hideous Noife, Singing to 
our Amazement *, at length their Women joyned Con- 
fort, making the Noife more terrible y this they con- 
tinued till Midnight." Towards Morning was great 
Dewsj our Fire being expended, we were extream 
Cold. \ -- 

This Morning, the Cajjekey looking on us with a mild 
Afpedl, fcnt his Son with his (triking Staff to the Inkty 
CO ftrike Fifli for us, which was performed with great 
Dexterity j for feme of us walked down with him, and 
though we looked very earneftly when he threw his 
Staif from him, could not fee a Fi/h, at which timx he 
faw it, and brought it on Shoar on the end of his Staff. 
Sometimes he would run fwiftly purfuing a Fifh, and 
feldom mift when he darted at him. In two hours 
time he got as many Fifh as would ferve twenty Men: 
There were others alfo Fifhing at the fame time, fo 
that Fifh was plqnty ^ but the fenfe of our Condition 
ftayed our hungry Stomacks, for fome amongft us 
thought they would feed us, to feed themfelves. ^ _, 

The Cajjekey went this Morning towards our VeiBeJ; 
in his abfence the othev Indlavs looked very untowardly 
upon us, which created a Jcaloufie of their Cruelty yet 
to come. 

This Afternoon we faw a great Fire, nigh the place 
of our Veflel j whereupon we concluded, that our 
Veffei and our Boat were Burn'd j whereupon we 

B 4 were 


C «4 3 

^^rc almoft confirmed, that they defigned to deftroy 
|is. About Sun-fecting the CaJJekey came home ; wc 
li^ake to him, he anfwered us, and feera'd very afFa- 
jble, which we liked well. Night drawing on, and 
jih^ Wind fhifting Northward^ we removed our Shel- 
^er^ and added the Mats to it to break the Wind off us, * 
V'hich bio wed cold, and laid our felves on the Sand. 
Abqut an hour within Night came a parcel of Indians 
from th? Soutliward, being all arm'd with Bows and 
[^rroi^Sf and coming near our Tent, fome of us efpy'd 
jthem, whereupon they fquacttd down : This feemed 
g frefh motive of Danger ^ and we awakened thofe of 
ps that were fallen a-ffeep, and bid theqi prepare, for 
jthings feemed dangerous, we fuppoiing they were 
ipome to forward our Deftru6tion, or to carry us to 
|he Southy/ard *, they fat thus a confide^able timej ar 
length they diftributed themfeives to the Wig-wams : 
Thus would Danger Often appear unto us, and ai- 
nioft fwallow us up *, but at times we fhould be fet 
oyer it, having a fccret Hope, that God would work 
pur Deliyerance, having prefcrved us from fo many 

Sometime before Night, Rohert Barrov^ was exhort- 
ing us to be patient *, and in a godly manner did he 
pxpound that Text of Scripture, Becaufe thu haft kept 
fhe Word of my Vatience^ 6cc. Rev. 3. 10. After which 
lie ended with a moft fervent Prayer, defiring of the 
Lord, that whereas he had fuffered us to be caft amongfl: 
a ^Lirbarous and Heathenifii People, if that it was his 
^klf.d Will, He would preferve and deliver us from 
^mongft theni, that our Names might not be buried 
|n Oblivion, and-that he might lay his Body amongft 
Faithful Friends : And at the clofe of his Prayer, he 
■ feenfd to have an affurance that his Petition would be 
granted ; In all which, feme of u§ were liyingly re- 
frcHiecl and ftrengthene^, • • . . 


The ijth of the jth Month y the ifi of the Wah 
This Morning we again ufed our endeavours witt 
the CaJJekey^ that we might go ro the Northward for 
Augupen j his Anfwer was, Wc fliould be all kill'd, 
but at length we prevailed, and he faid on the Morrow 
viQ fliould go : Hereupon, he took three Negre Men 
{one of Jofeph Kirle's, and two of mine) and with 3 
Cartnoo went up the Sound. 

This day the Indians were bufie with what they had 
taken out of our VefTel, and would have imployed 
all of us to do, fome one thing, fome another, for 
them y but we not knowing the Confequence, endea- 
voured to fliun it, and would deny their demands : 
But fome of our Men did anfwer their defires in ma- 
king and fewing fome Cloth together, ftringing our 
Beds, mending of Locks of the Chefls, ^c. What- 
ever they thought was a-mifs they would be putting 
upon us to Mend, ftill we wholly refufed ; at which 
time I heard a faying, that came from one of the chief 
Indians, thus [ Englijh Son of a Bitch ] which words 
ftarted me^ for I did, believe they had had fome of 
our Nation in their Poflellion, of whom they had heard 
fuch an Expreffion : I paffed away from the Wigwam 
with much trouble. 

This day, being the firft of the Week, we having a 
large Bible, and a Book of Robert Barclay s, fome on^ 
or other was often reading in them : But being moft 
of us fat together, Kohert Barrow defired our People to 
wait upon the Lord j in which time Robert had a 
Word in feafon unto us, and after wards went to Pray- 
er, all the Indians coming about us j and fome young- 
er fort would be Mocking, but not to our Difturbancc: 
The Elder fort flood very modeftly the whole time : 
After Prayer ended, they all withdrew quietly j but 
fome of them ( efpecially the Cajfekey's cldeft Son ) 
Fould take great delight in our Reading, ^nd would 


< 1(5 ) 

take the Blhle, or other Book, and give to one or 
other to read ; the found of which pleafed them ; 
for they would fit quietly, and very attentively, to 
hear us. 

The CaJJekey having been gone the mod part of the 
Day, with three Negroes in our Boat coming over the 
Bar into the Inlet : We rejoyced to fee our Boar, for 
we thought (he had been Burn*d. Our Negroes told us. 
They went up the Sound with the CaJJekey^ and landed 
near the place where our Tent had been : The chief 
Bufinefs was, to remove the Money from one place to 
another, and bury it. This old Man would truft our 
People, but not his own. After that was done, they 
went to the place where our Veflel was Burn'd : They 
launched our Boat, in which the old Cajfekey put his 
Chefts, wherein was our linnen, and other of our 
Trade. Alfo they got a fmall Runlet, which they 
filled with Wine out of a Quarter-Cask that was Idty 
and brought Sugar out of the Wreck, which was not 
confumed with the Fire. By this time came the Caf- 
fekey^ and Other Negro^ in the Cannoo. He told us, On 
the Morrow we fhould go witli our Boat ; this was 
cheerful News unto us. All this time fome Indians had 
been out, and brought home fome Oyfters ; and the 
Cajfekey gave US fome, bidding us take what we had a 
mind to. A little before Night, the CaJJekey opened 
his Cheft and Boxes : And his Wife came, and took 
what was in them from him. But he feem'd very gene- 
rous to my Wife and Child, and gave her feveral things 
which were ufeful to her and our Child. 

Our Boat was very Leaky, fo that we got her into 
a Creek to (ink her, that the Water might fwell her. 
The iSth of the jth Month , the id of the Weeh 

This Morning we waited an opportunity to get leave 
10 depart, which was granted us. Whereupon we ask- 
ed forfuch things as they did not make ufe of, v'pz.* a 
'- '' < ^ great 


great Glafs, wherein was five or (ix pound of Butter, 
fome Sugar, the Rundler of Wine, and fome BaJis of 
Chocolate ^ All which was granted us, alfo a Boul to 
heave Warer out of the Boat ; But the Cajfekey would 
have a l<legro Boy of mine, named Cafar^ to which I 
cduld not tell what to fay ^ but he was refolved on it. 
We got down to the Water-fide, and fet all our Peo- 
ple over that were to Travel ^ and Jofefb Kirk^ Robert^ 
.Barro7v^ I, my Wife and Child, with two of our Mar- 
riners, went in the Boat, and rowed along Shoar North" 
wards, but the CajJ'ekey would have us to have gone with 
our Boat up the Sound : We fuppofed the Sound was 
a great River, and therefore were not willing to take 
his Advice, having no knowledge ; but his Counfel 
was good, as we found afterwards, for the convenien- 
cy of palfage. 

The Cajjek'ey^ and fome other Indians^ went with our 
people towards our Wreck, we rowing along Shoar, 
and our Boat very leaky, that one Perfon had imploy 
enough to heave out the Water. 

Juft before we left the /w^i^w-Town, feveral Indians 
were for taking the little Cloths and Rags we had got ^ 
bur calling out to the CaJJekey^ he would caufe them to 
let us alone. 

Solomon CreJJon was mightily in one India?t's favour, 
who would hardly ftir from his Wigwam^ bur Solomon 
mufl: be with him, and go Arm in Arm ^ which Indian^ 
amongft his Plunder, had a Morning Gown, which he 
put on Solomon^ and Solomon had worn it moft of the 
time we were there j but when the time of our depar- 
ture came, 2in Indian unrob'd him, and left only a pair 
of Breeches, and feemed very Angry. 

It was high Noon when we left our WA:eck ( fhe be- 
ing burn'd down to her Floor-Timbers which lay in 
the Sand) we fetting forward, fome in the Boat, the 
jcft travelled along Shoar ^ and a little before Sun- 



fetting our People came up with abundance of fmall 
Fifli that had been forced on Shoar, as we raay fuppofe, 
by the Storm that drove us on Shoar ( they lying far 
from the Water, being much tainted) covered the 
Shoar for nigh a Mile in length, of which our People 
gathered as many as they could carry : About Sun- 
fitting we put on Shoar to refrelh our felves, and take 
a fmall Refpite, alfo to take my Kinfman, Benjamin 
Atten^ into our Boat, for this afternoon, in his Travel, 
he was taken with a Fever and Ague, and we had 
much trquble to get him a long, he having been Sick, 
nigh unro Death ( being firft taken, the day before we 
left Bk-ivfieU^ Road) until about a Week before we 
were caft away. 

One of my Negroeshzd. faved a Tinder-box and Flint, 
and we had refer ved two Knives, by which means we 
got a Fire, though with much difficulty, for our Tin- 
der was bad, and all the Wood Salt-Water-Soaken j 
which being accompliflied, we broiled all our Fi/h, 
feeding heartily on fome of them, and the reft we 
kept, not knowing when we fliould be thus furnifhed 
again ; for which, fome of us were truly thankful to 
the God of our Mercies. 

Having a large Fire, many of us got under the Lee 
of its and others buried themfelves in the Sand, in hopes 
to get a little Sleep, that we might be fomewhat refresh- 
ed, and thereby be the better enabled, fome to Tra- 
vel, and fome to Row, the remaining part of the 
Night i but the Sand-Flies, and Muskettoes^ were fo ex- 
tream thick, it was impoffible : The Moon Shining, we 
launched our Boat, I, and my Wife, and Child, the 
Mafter, Robert Barrow^ my Kinfman Allen^ Solomon Cref^ 
forty Jofepb Buckley, and the Mafter's Negro, went in our 
Boat, the reft travelled along Shoar : About midnight^ 
or a Vmlc after, our People came by an Indian Town ; 
?Jic Indians Cd.mc out in ^ great Number, but offered no 


( 19 ) 

Violence, more than endeavouriag to take from them 
what little they had ^ but making fome fmall rcliftancc, 
the Indians were put by their purpofe : They were very 
defirous to have us come on Shoar, and would hale us, 
but our People wouW have us keep off: We were got 
among a parcel of Breakers, and fo had much ado to 
get out to Sea. 

The i^th of the jth Month j the '^d of the Week. 
This Morning about Sun-riling we ftood in for the 
Land, and looked out for our People, but could not fee 
them, therefore we lay by for the fpace of two hours, 
and at length faw them coming along, with a great ma- 
ny Indians with them. When they came a bread with 
us, the Indians wafted us on Shoar, but we rcfufcd, 
perceiving they were wickedly bent^ they would be 
ever and anon fnatching one thing or other, at which- 
time our People would point to us in the Boat j but 
perceiving they could not get us on Shoar, in fome few 
hours left them. 

This Day Noon, Jofeph Kirk having h/s Quadrant and 
Calander^ took an Observation, being in the Latitude 
of 27 Deg. 4.J Min. About one a Clock we faw two 
Indians with Bows and Arrows, running to meet our 
People i who, when they faw them, at firft they made 
a halt, and afterwards retreated, at which the Indians 
let fly an Arrow, which narrowly tfcaped one of 
them; whereupon they (lopped j the Indians looked 
ftrangely on them, but our People fet forwards, and 
the Indians with them, until they came to the Indian 
Town: We faw our People go into i\iQlVigwams^ but 
flayed a very Hiort time, for the Indians were for ta- 
king thofe pieces of Canvas they had, from them. 
They got fome Water and fet forward again, the two 
Indians ftill followed them. About this time we faw a 
Sail to the Eaftward, and we fuppofing it at firft to 
be a Brigantine, agreed to follow her > but in a fmall 


( 20 ) 

time we made it to be a Camoo or Boat^ with tWcy 
Mafts and Sails; fhe flood in for the Shoar, but as foon 
as rhey efpy*d us, fhe bore away ^ and when fhe faw 
we made not after her, fhe flood a-fhoar again for the 
Indian Town. Hereupon ajealoufie got amongft us, 
that /he might go on Shoar, and get ftrong with Men, 
and then come after us \ whereupon we rowed very 
hard, and kept an offing for fome hours , but finding 
they came not out, we flood towards the Shoar again. 
This day was extream hot, and we had no Water fince 
we Idi the Indian Town, to the Southward of our 
Wreck, called by the Name of Hoe- Bay ^ therefore we 
were deiirous to get on Shoar, but when we endea- 
voured it we could not, for the Seas fweird very much, 
and came- rowling from the Eaft ward, fo that the Seas 
run very hollow, and broke almoft a Mile from the 
Shoar v our Mafter faid. It ivas impeJJJbie to get on Shoar 
alive -J but I being under fome Exercife, was defirous 
to be on Shoar, and thereupon did exprefs my klf to 
the reft of our People 5 they ftarted the Danger : AH 
which 1 was as fenfibie of as they y yet I could not 
reft, but iniifted upon going a Shoar *, the Mafter and 
Men faid, fVe fiwuld not fa've our Lives : But I gained 
fo, that they attempted, and were got within half a 
Mile of the Shoar 3 but the Seas came on us fo large 
and hollow, that one Sea had like to have over- 
whelmed us ', we juft got a-top of it before it broke, 
there was then no perfwading them 10 go further, 
but we ffood oif, and defigned to keep off all Nighty 
our People being very weary, and [he Sun fetting, we 
divided, one half to get fome Sleep, the other to 
watch, and keep the Boat's Head to the Sea. The 
Weather looked as though it would be bad, and the 
Sea increaled, \^ hereupon I began a-frefh to perfwade 
ihem to go on Shoar , all were defirous, but thoughi 
it impollibic j at length we refolvcd tQ venture, and fo 

( 21 ) 

committing our felves to the Prote^ionof the Almigh- 

<ty God, we flood in for the Shoar, and made (igns to 
our People, that we defigned it. And it pleafed God 
to order it fo, that we went on Shoar, as tho' there 
had been a Lane made through the Breakers, and 
were carried to the top of the Bark, where we got 
aged Robert Barrow^ my Wife and Child our of the 
Boat, before ever a Sea .came to fill us, which did as 
foon as they were got out j but we got our Boat up 
from the wafh of the Sea. 

The two Indians were for taking off our Clothes, 

, ( which would not cover our Bodies ) but we not be- 
ing willing to yield, they would fnatch a piece from 
one, and a bit from another, and run away with that, 
and then come again and do the like. Thefe two In- 
Alans took away what was given to my Wife and 
Child, which we knew not how to help, but exercifed 

We enquired how far it was from St, a Lucea (one 
of them fpeaking a little Spamft}) and by (igns we un- 
derftood it was not far. Tfhey made figns, that when 
we came there, we /hould be put to moft cruel Death, 
but w^e jiopfed otherwife. 

At thi§-OT&i&, within the Land, and over the Sound, 

^our Peoplel^id, before it was dark, they faw two or 
three Houfes, which look'd white, as tho' they were 

'*plaiftered ■(^ith Lime, which put us in hopes that there 
were Spaniards there ^ fo we fet forwards, as the Indians 
dire&d, for St, a Lucea -^ they made figns that we 
fhould come to an Inlet of the Sea, and on the other 
fide was St. a Lucea. We travelled about four Miles, 
and came to the Inlet, but faw no Settlement on the 
other (ide, fo we concluded to lye thcrt all Nighr. 
We faw the tra6t of a large Bear^ and other wild Beafis^ 
whereupon we fet to work to get Wood, and then a 

""Fire. Abundance of Musksttpes and Sand- Flies hindred 


( 22 5 

Our Reft ; to remedy which, we digged hales in the 
Sand, got fome Grafs, and laid it therein to lye upon, 
in order to cover our fclves from the Flies, which moft 
of us did ; but it being extreme cold, and Firing fcarce, 
we had little Comfort. 

About Midnight we fent our People to fee if they 
Gould get off our Boat, and bring it into the Inlet, that 
we might get over to the other fide: They went and 
Launched her, but the Sea was fo rough, that there 
was no poflibility of getting her off, for /he was foon 
filled and put to Swim, and they. Boat and all, were 
driven on Shoar again. 

Whilft our People were gone for our Boat, weefpi'd 
fome Indians in a Cannoo, with their Torch, a Fifhing ^ 
we fent for Solomcn (who was gone to Launch the 
Boat) expe6ting they would come, feeing Fires, and we 
ftouid not tell what to fay to them -, but they did not. 
Here we lay watching, for no reft could be taken* 
The loth cftbe jth Month \ the id of the Week, 
This Morning, by break of Day, we faw a fmall 
Cannoo from the other (ide, put off Shoar, with two 
Indians m her, going up the River (or Sound) a Firti- 
ing. We hailed them in Spanijh^ ^nd asi-Xpon as they 
heard and faw us, they made to theShoa^'^uh all fpeed, 
and away to their Town they run. We,* perceiving 
ihey were (by of us, began to doubt of their Amity, 
which wc had fo much depended on -^ whereupon we 
counfelled our People how to deport themfelves, efpe- 
cially our Negroes, About Sun-riling we fa w-the Indians 
coming, running in a very great Number, with their 
Bows and Arrows, to the In£t 3 where, having five or 
fix Cannoos, they got into them, as many as thofe Can^- 
ffocs could holdy others took the Water, and fwam 
over unto us : They came in the greateft Rage that 
poifibly a Barbarous People could. Solomon began to 
Speak S'pi^wi/^no them ^ but they anfwerednut rill they, 

canie a Shdar, fome diftance from us, and then com- 
ing running upon us, they cryed out Nickaker^ Nieka- 
leer ? We all fat Mil, expecting Death, and that in ^. 
moft Barbarous Manner. They that did fpeak .untd 
them Gould not be heard. But they rufhed violently 
on us, rending and tearing thofe few Clothes we had ^ 
they that had Breeches had fo many about them, that 
they hardly touched the Ground^ till they were fhakcrf 
out of them 3 they tore all from ray Wife, and efpy- 
ing her Hair-Lace, fome were going to cur the Hair, 
away to get it; but, like greedy Dogs, another fnatch'd 
and tore it off. As for our poof young Child, they, 
fnatch'd from it what little if had, as though the])^ 
would have fliaken, and torn it, Limb from Linib- 
After they had taken all from us but our Live^, they 
began to talk one to aiiother, vehemently Foaming ^t 
Mouth, like wild Boars^ and taking their BoTi^s apd ^r? 
rpwsy with other Weapns^ Cryed out Nickaker-^ Nickalesr f-_ 
Solomon fpoke in SpanijJ} to, them, and faid, We Were 
Spaniards J but they would not. hear him; and contf- 
nued crying out .Nickaleer, Nickaker ; withal drav/ing 
their Arre7vs to the head. But fuddenly we perceit^tc! 
them to look about and liflen, and then dcfifted id 
profecute their Bbody Defign. One of them took a 
pair of Breeches^ and gave it to my Wife. We brought 
our great Bil^le^ and a large Book of P.obet-t Barclay's^ to' 
this place. And being all fttipp'd as Naked as we were 
Born, and endeavouring to hide ourNakednefsv thelc 
Cambals took the Books ^ and tearing out the Leav^l^ 
Would give each of us a Leaf to cover us^ which wo. 
took from them; at which time they would derld'i 
and fmite us ; and inftantly another of them "^ould 
fnatch away what the other gave us, fiiiiting and de« 
riding us withaL 

Robert Barrow^ with my Self, Wife and Child, were 
Bordered to go mos^Cmmoy iQ be carried ro the orber 


fide of the Inlet, being a Furlong over ; four Indiani 
being in the Cannoo to paddle j when We came to the 
other fide, within a Cannoo s length or two of theShoar^ 
a number of Indians^ with their Bows and Arrows^ came 
running into the Water, fome to their Knees, .fome 
deeper, having their Bcrws and Arrows drawn up, cry- j 
ing out, Nickaleer^ Nickaker ^ which they continued 
without ceafing. The Indians that brought us over 
leap'd out of the Cannoo^ and fwam a-fhoar, fearing 
they fhould be fhot. But in this junfture, it pleafed 
God to tender the Hearts of fome of them towards us, 
efpecially the C aj] eke fsWifc^ and fome of thechiefeft 
amongft them, who were made Inftruments to inter- 
cede for us, and flop the Rage of the Multitude, who 
feem'd not to be fatisfy'd without our Blood. The Caf- 
fekey order'd fome to fwim, s^ fetch the Cannoo a 
Shoar; which being done, his wife came in a Com- 
paffionate manner and took my Wife out of the Cannooy 
ordering her to follow her, which we did fome di- 
(lance from the Inlet-fide, and flood till all our People 
were brought over, which in a little time was done. 
But the Rage of fome was ftill great, thirfting to fhed 
our Blood y and a mighty Strife there was amongft 
them ; fome would kill us, others would prevent it ; 
and thus one hidian was driving with another. All 
being got over, were to walk along the Sea-fhoar to 
their Town. In this Paffage we, moft of us, felt the 
Rage of fome of them, either by Striking or Stoning j 
and divers Arrows were fhot j but thofe that were for 
Preferving us, would watch thofe that were for Dc- 
ftroying3 and when fome of them \f ould go to fhoot, 
others of them wculd catch hold of their Bows or 
Arm. It was fo ordered, that not one of us was touch'd 
with their Arrows j feveral of us was knocked down, 
ani fome tumbled into the Sea ♦, we dared not help > 
eac another, but help we had by fome of them, be* 

Ing fnade inftrumenral to help us. My Wife reeelvedl., 
fcveral blows , and an Indian came and rook hold of 
her Hair, and was going cither to cur her Throat, or 
fomething like ir, having his Knife nigh her Throat j 
bur I looked at him, miaking a fign that he fhould 
pot, fo he defifled. At which time another Indian 
came, with a handful of Sea-fand, and filled onr poor 
Child's Mouth. By this time the Cajfekeys Wife came 
to my Wife, feeing her opprefled, and they pulled the 
Sand out of our Child's JVIouth, and kept by tny Wife 
until we got to the Cajfeke/s Houfe, which was abouc 
Forty Foot long, and Twenty-five Foot wide, covered 
with TalmettO'Lsaves both top and lides. There wa^ 
a Range of Cabbins, or a Barkcue, on one fide and 
two ends ; at the entering on one fide of the Houfe, 
a Paflage was made of Benches oh each fide^ leading 
to the Cabbins 5 on thefe Benches fat the chief Indi- 
ans, and at the upper end of the Cabbin Was the 
CaJJekey feared. A kind of Debate was hefd aiiiongfl. 
them for an hour's time. After which, Solomon and 
fome others were called to the Cajjlkey,^ and were feared 
on the Cabbin, where the C^jJekey tafked to Solomon m 
the S^ani^} Language, but could not hold 2 Difcourfe<; 
In a little time, fome raw Deer-Skins were brought in, 
and given to my Wife and Negro- Woman -^ and tp ui 
Men fuch as the Indians wear, being a piece of P fair- 
work of Straws, wrought of divers' Colours, and of ^ 
triangular Figure, with a Belt of foiir Fingers broad of 
the fame, wrought together, which goeth about the 
Wafte; and the Angle of the other having a thing to ir, 
coming berwcen rhe Legs, and firings to the end (yf the 
Belr j all three meeting logether, are failencd behind 
with a Horfe-tail, or a Bunch of Sllk-gra-i^ exadly re- 
fembling ir, of a Flaxen Colour, this being all the 
Apparel or Covering that the Men wear ; -and thufr 
they Clothed us, A place was appointed for us, for 

G 5' be>n,g 

being laid on the Floor of the Houfe, where we were 
Ordered to lie down. But the place was extrcam lia- 
fty *, for all the Stones of the Berries which they ear, 
and all the Naftinefs that's made amongft them, lay on 
their Floor, that the place fwarm'd with abundance of 
many forts of creeping things^ as, a large black hairy 
SpJevy which hath two Claws like a Crab, Scorpions^ 
and a numberlefs number of {m^ll Buggs. On thefe 
Mars we lay, thefe Vermin crawling over our naked 
Bodies. To brufli them oif, was like driving of Muf- 
kcttces from one, where they are extream thick. The 
Jndiam were feated, as aforefaid, the Cajjekey at the 
upper end of them j and the Range of Cabbins wa« 
BV6. wirh Men, Women and Children, beholding us % 
at length we heard a Woman or two cry, according 
to their manner, and that very Sorrowfully; one of 
which I took to be the Cajfske/s Wife, which occafi- 
oncd fomc of us to think, that fomething extraordi- 
nary was to be done to us. We heard a (Irange fort 
of a Noife, which was not like the Noife m.ade by a 
Man, but we could not underftand what, nor where 
if wasj for fomerimes it founded to be in one part of 
the Houfe, fometimes in another, to which we had 
^n Ear; and indeed our Ears and Eyes could perceive 
or hear nothing but what was ftrange and difmal, and 
Death feem*d to furround us; but time difcovered this 
Noife unro us. The occafion of it was thus: In one 
part of this Houfe, where the Fire was kept, was an 
j7}Man Man, having a Pot on the Fire, wherein he was 
making a Drink of the Leaves of a Shrub, (which wc 
undcrltood afterwards by the Spamardy is called Ca^ee- 
na) boyling the faid Leaves, after they had parched 
them in a Pot ^ then with a Gourd, having a long Neck, 
nnd at the top of it afmall hole, which the top of one's 
ringer could cover, and at the (ide of it a round hole 
of two Inches Diameter ; they rake the Liquor out of 


( 27 ) 

the Pot, and put it into a deep round Bowl, which be- 
ing almoft filled, conraineth nigh three Gallons ^ wirh 
this Gourd they brew rhe Liquor, and make ir froih 
very much j it looketh of a deep brov;n Colour. In 
the brewing of this Liquor w^^s this Noife made, which 
we thought flrange ; for the prefling of this Gourd 
gently down into the Liquor, and the Air which ic 
contained, being forced out of the Jittle hole at top, 
occafioned a Sound, and according to the time and 
motion given, would be various. This Drink, when 
made, and cool to fup, was in a Conch- Shell, firfl car- 
ried to the CaJJekeyy who threw part of it on rhe 
Ground, and the reft he drank up, and then would 
make a loud Hem ^ and afterwards the Cup parted to 
the reft of the CaJJekefs Aflbciates, as aforefaid , but 
no other Man, Woman or Child, muft touch or tafte 
of this fort of Drink j of which they fat Sipping, 
Chattering and Smoaking Tobacco, or fome other 
Herb inftead thereof, for the moft part of the 

About Noon was fome Fifti brought us, on fmall 
Pal?»eno- Leaves, being boiled with Scales, Heads and 
GilJs, and nothing taken from them but the Guts ^ but 
our Troubles and Exercifes were fuch, that we cared 
not for Food. 

In the Evening, we being laid on the place aforefaid, 
the Indians made a Drum of a Skin, covering there- 
with the deep Bowl, in which they Brewed their 
Drink, beating thereon with a Stick, and having a 
couple, of Rattles, made of a fmall Gourd, put on 3 
Stick, with fmall Stones in it, fhaking 11^ they began 
to fet up a moft hideous Howling, very irkfome to 
us ; and fometime after came fome of their young 
Women, fome Singing, fome Dancing *, this was con- 
tinued till mid- night, after which they went to Sleep. 

( 28 > 

yhe i(t of the Sth Month ^ the ^th of the Week, 
This day the Cajfekey looking on us pleafantly, made 
Prefentstofoipe of us, efpeciallv to my Wife j he gave 
her a parcel of Shcl-Fifli, which are known by the 
name ofclamms, one or two he roafted, and gave her, 
iTiewing that Hie muft fervejhe reft fo, and eat them. 
The hidian Woitien would take our Child and Suckle 
|r, for ifs Mother's Milk was ainioft gone, that it could 
r\Qt get a Meal : And our Child, which had been at 
Death's Door, from the time of its Birth, until we 
were caft away, began now to be Cheerful, and have 
an Appetite to Food ; it had no covering but a fmal| 
piece of raw Dccr-Skin, not a Shred of Linnen or 
U^oollen to put on it. 

About the tenth Hour, we obferved the Indians tq 
be en a fudden Motion j mbft of the Principal of them 
betook themfelves to their Houfes *, the CaJJekey went 
ro DreiTing his Head, and Painting himfelf, and fo did 
all the reft; When they had done, they came into the 
Caljeke/s Houfe, and feared themfelves in Order. In 
a fmali time^ after came an Indian with fome fmall 
Attendance into the Houfe, niaking a Ceremonious 
Motion, and feated himfelf by ihcCaffekey^ the Perfons 
ihat came with him feated themfelves amongft the 
pthers: After fome fmall paufe, t\\Q CaJjekey began a 
pifcoLirfe, which held nigh an Hour j after which the 
Strange Indlci and his Companions went forth to the 
Water- iide, unto rhcirC«w?oo, lying in the Sound, and 
returned prefently wiih fuch Prefms as they had brought^ 
delivering them unto the Ca[J}key^ and thofe fitting by, 
giving an Applaufe. The Prefents were fome few 
Bunches of the Herb they make their Drink of, and 
fiother'Hcrb, which they ufe in (lead of Tobacco, and 
fome plaited Bafls, fluffed with Mofs, to lay their Heads 
bn, infteadof Piilovv's :"'7he Ceremony being ended, 
'iJwy ail festcd themfelves again, a^d went to Drink? 
'■'' • ■■ ■ •-- ing 

( «9 ) 

i"g Cajfeena^ Smoaking and Talking during the 
Strangers (lay. 

About Noon fomc FiHi was brought us ; Hunger 
was grown ftronger upon us, and the quantity given 
was not raueh more than each a Mouthful, which we 
Eait ; The Cafekey ordered the Mafter, Jofeph Klrky 
Solomon Crejfotjy my Wife and Me, to fit upon their 
Cabin to eat our Fifh j and they gave us fome of their 
Berries to Eat : We tafted them, but not one amongft 
us could fufFer them to (lay in our Mouths, for we 
could compare the tafte of them to nothing clfe, but 
rotten Cheefe fteep'd in Tobacco. Sometime after wc 
had eaten, fome of the Indians asked us, If we were 
Spaniards? Solomon anfwered them, Tes. Then fome' 
of the Indians would point to thofe whofe Hair was 
Black, or of a deep Brown, and fay fuch a one was 
a Spaniard of the Havana^ and fuch of Atigujhen ^ but 
thofe whofe Hair was of a Light Colour, they were 
doubtful of j fome would fay they were no Spa- 

About the third hour in the Afternoon, the Strangers 
went away, and fome fmall time after, they having 
fatisfied themfelves that moft of us were Spaniardsy 
told us that wc fiiould be fent for to the next Town ; 
and they told us that there was a Nickaleer off, and 
we underftood them [Engllflj Men o/Briftol] alfo the 
number of fix Men and a Woman j and that they were 
to be put to Death before we fliould get thither. Wc 
were (ilent, altho' much concerned to hear that Report ; 
they affo told us, that a Mclfengcr would come foj: us, 
to direct us to the nextTown, thence lo Augufiemy Night 
coming on, they betook themfelves to their accuftomcd 
Singing and Dancing. 

About theioth or nth hour in the Night, before 
the Singing and Dancing was ended, came in a Stranger 
armed with Bqw and Arrows , the Cajfikej^ and his 

€4. .Compa, 

( 30 ) 

Companions, entertained him with half an hours Di- 
fcoLirfe, which being ended, we were on a fudden 
ordered to get up, and hurried away with this Stranger, 
they not giving us time to fee if we were all together; 
and a Troop of young Indian Men and Boys followed 
us for about four Miles, all which way they pelted us 
with Stones : At length they all left us, except two 
and our Guide 3 but we tn'iikd Solomon CreJJon^Sind Jo^ 
fe^h Kirk's Boy, and Negro Ben, which was no fmall 
Trouble to us. 

We had not travelled above five Miles, before our 
Guide caufed us to ftop, and at fome fmall diftancc was 
an Indian Town, which I fuppofe our Guide belonged 
fo, for Indians Came thence with Fire and Water foi* 
him, and with Tdlmetto Leaves they made a blaft of 
Firc^ here we flayed nigh two hours : The Flies were 
yery thickv and the Night very Cold, fo that our na- 
ked Bodiesi were not able to endure it, but with Grief 
At length we left this places the whole Night follow- 
ing v/e were troubled wich thefe two young Indians^ 
who at times would be abudng one or other of us, fing- 
ling them out, and asking if they were not N/V/^<2/^e^, 
or Englijl? If they faid, nay^ then they would hit themi 
a Blow or more with a Truncheon, which they hadj 
and faid. They 7vere. We travelled all Night Without 
Sopping, from the aforefaid place. 
'• The zd of the Stb Month ; the 6th of the Week, 

After Sun-riling, we came up with the Wreck of 
the VeiTel that we heard was caft away. She was fta- 
i^ed ^\\ to pieces, for her Keelfon was driven on Shoar. 
We faw Sn^ar- Hogfheads, Ginger and Lo^woody which 
gave us to iuppole, that it was one of our Fleet '-, and 
we thought it to be either Burroughs or Smnbj belong- 
ing to 'Brijlol': A Mile or niore fiom h^nce we came 
io an Inlet ; our Guide told us, We muft Swim over, 
.^KCept my V/ife and ^ohm Bnrrm '3 but we fignified; 

( jO 

that wc conid not : He carried Robert Barrow^ Jofe^h 
K'lrle, Me^ my Wife and Cbild^ over firft, and at length 
the whole Company, for ic was a great way over. By 
that time we were all got over, the Day was hot, and 
my Wife quite tired and faint, as alfo Robert Barro7JL/y 
and Jofeph Kirky whofe Leg was grown fo painful, that 
it overcame him. We got under a Grape-Bufh for 
jfhelter from the Sun ^ I fent one of my Negroes to feek 
for Water for them, but there was none to be had j 
bur he got fome Sea- fide Grapes» which, with reftiSg, 
refrcllied the Weak and Lame. 

Our Guide was for forcing us forward y fo we tra- 
velled about four or five Miles further, and met with 
the CaJJekey of this Town, and Commander of the Nor- 
thern part of this Coaft. He was an ancient Man, his 
Beard and Hair Gray : He enquired for the Captain, (q 
our People pointed to Jofefh Kirle^ whom he went to, 
and embraced him ^ then he asked for our Mate, or 
Pilot. This Man could fpeak Spamjh better than any 
we had met with yet, but not fo well as to Difcourfe, 
only to ask fome Queftions, and we had three or four 
amongft us could make a iliift to anfwer him, for 
Solomon was kept behind. This old CaJJekey feemed to 
have Companion on us, and faid. That thofe People 
who had ferved us thus, in ftripping of us, were 
Rogues ; bur we were his Camerades or Friends, With- 
al he faid. In few days he would carry us to Augufteen j 
and thereupon he told us of fix Englifh Men, and on^ 
Woman, being at his Town. We enquired, if he in- 
tended them for Augufteen ? But he would /hake his 
Head, and point to the Southward, faying, Nickaleer 
no Camerade ( Evgli(h-Men were not his Friends) Which 
Words were unpleafanr to us. This People kept us 
company till we came within a Mile or two of their 
Town, and then they left us \ they, going fafler, got 
in before us. * Their Town flood about half a Mile 

from the Sea-Shoar, within the Land, on the Sound, 
being furrounded with a Swamps in which grew white 
Mangrove-Trees^ which hid the Tov/n from the Sca« We 
were diredled to the Cajfekeys Houfe, which was large, 
and filled with Indians^ and then ordered to fit down. 
The old Cajjekey fetched fome Water, and waHied Ro- 
hert Barrouf^^s Feet, and my Wife's ; after which he 
got fome Canvas and Crocus Ginger-Bags, which they 
had got out of the Veffel that was caft on Shoar, which 
w^ diftributed among us. Jofeph Klrle had a Coat 
given him, which they had taken from the People of 
the other Velfdj but it was rent down the Back. My 
Wife had two pieces of Sail-Canvas given her. And 
I, with others, had a Crocus Ginger-Bag : They gave 
a piece of a Barbers old Linnen Shirt, in bignefs of a 
fmali Hand-kerchief, to cover our Child j- this was all 
all our Clothing. Rohert B arro-u/ a.nd my Wife were 
quite fpent with travelling barefoot on the hot Sand, 
having bruifed their Feet ^ and with Stumps, Stones, 
and Prickles, their Feet, efpecially Rohert Barrow Sy 
had holes in them, that one might have put the top 
of one's Thumb in : We were directed to lye down 
on a Cabin. The other VefTel's Company were, one 
John Smithy Mafter of the 2*v4»^iyzVi&, a Barque belong- 
ing to Briftol, which came out of Jamaica with US, 
with ^vt Men, and one Woman, vl-Zj. Andrew Mur- 
ray^ Merchant, Andrew Barnes^ Mate, Hugh AUetty 
John OJler, John Shears^ and Cornelius Toker, two Boys, 
with a Woman Paflenger, named Fenelope, We took 
an opportunity to difcourfe them *, they were caft a- 
way the fame Night we were, and their Veffel being 
forced by the Storm (they not being able for two days 
before to carry any Sail) on Shoar j they got into 
iheir Boat, and fo on Shoar , and in a fmall time wa$ 
a great part of their Wreck driven on Shoar •, amongft 
which was a Barrel or more of Water, fome Barrels of 

( JJ ) 

Beef or Pork, with their Chefts, and many other things 
which they got. On the Morrow they deiigned to 
Travel to the Northward ; bur Andrew Bamesy their 
Mate, having been a long time afflicted with a Flux, 
which had wafted his Body to Skin and Bone, fo that 
he was not able to help himfelf, they left him, and 
travelled a Mile or more, and came to an Inlet, which 
they could not pafs j whereupon they returned back 
again, to take their Boat, but at their return, before 
they could gQt away with their Boat, they efpyed the 
Indians coming on them, who foon got to them, ask- 
ed in Spanijh, What Nation they were ? If Spaniards^ 
EngUJh or French ? But the Indians made (igns to give 
them their Clothing, which they readily did. But ftill 
they enquired, Of what Nation ? At firft they anfwef- 
cd Spaniards 'y but the Natives looked to Furioufly, that 
jthey foon anfwered them, Englijh Men •, thereupon 
every one had it, Nickaker^ Nickaleer. And then they 
very eagerly ftripp'd them of all they had on them; 
after which, they drove them away to the Nothward, 
unto their Town : But Andrew Barnes being not able to 
ftand nor go, was left behind, after they had ftripped 
him on the Land naked, when they were driven away. 
Before they got to the Town, the Indian Cajfekey gav« 
them fome Clothing, and no violence offered to their 
Perfons. They had plenty of Fifh and Berries to the 
time of our coming. John Smith and Andrew Murray 
had their Being in the CaJJekey^ Houfe, and the Wo- 
nian, named Venelope: The reft of Smithes People lodge4 
in other Indian Houfes. But on our coming, the ol4 
Cajfekey told them. They muft turn out, and make room 
for the Spaniards; but Smith and Murray would not go* 
and the Indian did not force them out. In fomc 
time after we had been in the Houfe, came in Indian 
Women, loaden with Baskets of Berries, moftly of thp 
f,almj^ fgrac Sea-fide CoccQ-Flmh^ and Sea-fide Gr^f^/. 

( J4 ) 

Of the two latter we could cat, but of the Valm-Beniei 
we could not bear the tafte in our Mouths. We laid 
our felves on the Cabin, on that part which was ap- 
pointed us^ on the other part, the yomi^CaJfekey^ or 
King, lay, being parted by a Cheft that flood there- 
on. Before Night was a parcel of large Fi/h, called 
Drumms^ brought in j the old Cajfekey toldJofephKirle^ 
That thofe were for the SpaniarJsy and bid him let 
fome-body Drefs them j he alfo ordered us a Pot. 
They were foon drefled, and we eat thern^ Night be- 
ing come, the old Cajfekey enquired after our Lofles j 
which we, as well as we could, gave him to under*- 
ftand, That in our VefTel was a great deal of Clothing 
and Money, which the Indians at Hoe-Bay had taken 
from us. He underftood fo much of the matter, that 
he grew Covetous, and faid, He would go and get 
fome of it from them. 

About Mid-night came Solomon Crejfon in a Cannoo^ 
with two Indians : The old Cajfekey began to examine 
him concerning our Voikly Goods and Money, or 
Plate^ of whi^h Solomon rendered a further Account 
unto him, than we could ^ which caufed him to refolve 
on the Morrow to provide Men and Boats, and to go 
down the Sound to Hoe-Bay, to have part from them, 
he would have had Solomon to have gone with him, but 
Solomon refufed. 

We enquired of Solomon concerning his ftay, and of 
«rhe Negro, Ben. and Jofepb Kirle's Boy ; He faid. That 
he was flayed by force j but the Negro and the Boy 
were a-ileep in another Houfe, when we were driven 
away. They had a deflgn, in flaying of Solomon^ which 
he could not rightly underftand, but fuppofed, that they 
doubted that we were not all Spaniards ^ for the Indians 
of St, a Lucea^ould fay to Solomon^ That he was a Spa^ 
Tilard^ and fome others, but the moft of us were not 
Spaniards, 2^nd that they had Roki^i Sqkmon ; But Solomon 
d^nyedit. ' ' " Jlf 

The ^d of the jtb Month ; the jth of thi Week. 

This Morning the old Cajfikej^ with two Canmos, and 
ten Indians with him, went hence for Hoe- Bay ; he pro^ 
mifed, that as foon as he returned, he would carry us 
fox Augufieen^ which he fuppofed would be in fix days, 
if* he had good Weather. Buf this day the Wind was 
got North-Eaft, and it look'd as though the Weather 
would be Stormy j the Wind increafed, and towards 
Evening the Water in the Sound did rife, that it began 
to cover the Land, and came into the Houfes \ but we 
had little or no Rain till Night, then the Wind increa* 
(cd, and Rain alfo. 

The ^th of the 8th Month ; the iji of the JVeeL 

This Morning the Wind was violent with Rain, the 
King's Houfe was Knee deep with Water, and like to 
continue riling^ I removed, witli my Wife, Child, Ro- 
bert Barrow and Benjamin Alkn^ to an JW/^w-Houfe, thar 
flood on a Hill of Oyfter- /hells ^ in this Houfe we re^ 
mained this Day. The Wind continued at North- Eafi, 
Very violent, and by reafon of much Rain, the Water 
rifing every Hour, the Indians began to put their dry 
Berries into their Can?2oos, and to feek which way to 
fecure them. Several Indians betook themfelves io 
their Boats, and carried what they had to fome high 
Land a confiderable diflance, where a place was made 
for their CrfJ/^%, or Kingj but before day, the Houfe 
we were in was a float, and the Indians were for turn^ 
ing us out, bidding us take an old Canmo^ that had a 
hole in the fide of her, almoft at the bottom, big 
enough for a Man to put his hand through, fo that Hie 
was full of Water % in this Cannoo they would have 
had lis fhifted for our felves, but w^e were not willing 
to go ^ the Indians made figns for us to be gone divers 
rimes j at length they grew angry, and took my Kinf- 
man Allen into the Cannoo^ and carried him away ^ in a 
lixclc time after returned with the Cnmm^ and bid me 


and Robert Barrow be gone : By this time day appeared, 
the Wind and Rain ftill violent. I then faw a Houfc on 
another Oyfter-Hill, that the Water was not got over 
yet •, to which I got, and asked by lign^, If I might be 
there ? The Indians feemed willing j fo thither I got 
tny Wife, Child ^ and Robert Barrow^ and remained there. 
All this day the Wind was violent, it Rained, and the 
Flood continued ; we imagined that the Sea was broke 
in upon the Land, and that we fhould be drowned. 
The Houfcs was almoft blown to pieces, and the Indi- 
ans often a tying and mending it. The chief Man of 
this Houfe cauied his Wife to Suckle our Child, for 
it was almoft famiflied, its Mother having no Milk in' 
her Bread, for we had received no Suftenance fmce 
the Storm began *, frelh Water was not to be had, the 
Land being covered with the Sea. The Indians offered 
us fome of their Berries, which we endeavoured to 
eat, but could nor, the tafte wasfo irkfome, and ready 
to take our Breath from us, when we tried to eat them ; 
but we cxpcdtcd, that if the Flood continued longer. 
We fhould not need for Water. Yet, neverthelefs, we 
enjoying Health and Strength, and Hunger growing 
Violent, we would be tailing the Berries, tho' we could 
reap no fatisfadlion. 

The 6th of the 8th Month \ the id of the Weeh, 

This Morning the Flood began to come up into this 
Houfe alfo •, the Indians feem'd much concerned ; the 
Storm of Wind and Rain held till about Mid-day, at 
which lime the Wind fhifted Soutward, with the 
Rain j but in fome few Hours the Fbod began to 

The "jth of the Sth Month j the 4th of the Week. 

By this Day noon the Water fell many Feet, and I 
went out to fee our People, whom I left in the King's 
Houfe ^ I found them where I left them. All the 7«- 
Mans had kft the Houfe, and our People remained onr 


the Cabbin, which was about four Foot from the Floor, 
The Flood had rifen within two or three Inches of the 
top of the Cabbin, and they faid, They exfeSied to dye 
there. We began to exprefs our Hunger and Third to 
each other, but there was no help as yet for either j 
we went to the Springs, but they were all Salt as the 
Sea j and we would be driving with the Berries, but 
they were fo Offenfive unto us, that we could reap no 
fatisfa6tion from them. We went a begging at times 
to the Indian-Wcmm to fuckle our Child, which they 
would feldom deny. 

The Sth of the Sth Movth'^ the ^th of the Week. 

This day we got fome Water to drink, but it was ve- 
ry brackifh, and at bed not very good. 

The ^th of the Sth Months ; the 6th of the Week. 

This day the young Cajfekey returned to his Houfe, 
with his C hefts and other things. ^ 

The I oth of the Sth Month \ the jth cf the Week. 

This day we got a Meal of Fifli, the greateft plent}^ 
we had received fince we were there. We loKged for 
the old Cajfike/s return, and feared that the bad Wea- 
ther would lengthen the time. 

The I ith of the Sth Month -^ the ifl of the WeeL 

This morning early came a Meffenger, giving an 
account, That the old Cajfekey was within Tome kvr 
Leagues of the Town, and that we might expedt him 
this forenoon ; within the time he came in fight, we 
all drew down to the Water-fide to receive him ; we 
perceived he came in State, having his two Canni;of 
Jafh'd together, with Poles athwart from the one to 
the other, making a Plat-form, which being covered 
with a Mat, on it ftood a Cheft, which was belonging 
to us, and my Negro-Boy Cafar^ ( which the Cajfekey 
of Hoe-Bay took from me) whom he had got from 
the Indians at Hoe-Bay ; upon this Cheft he fat crofs- 
legged, being newly painted Red j his Men with Poles, 


fitting the Cannoos along unto the Sh'oar. Seeing ujf,- 
he cryed [fFbugh] and Jook'd very fternly at us. He 
v;as received by his People vt'ith great Homage, hold- 
ing out his Hands ( as their Cuftom is ) to be kifled,- 
having his Cheft carried before him unto his Houfe 
tvhither he Mvcntj the Houfe being filled with Indiansi 
The old Cafftkey began, and held a Difcourfe for fpme 
hours, giving an account, as v^e fuppofe, what he 
heard and faw ^ in which Difcourfe he would often 
mention Nickaleer -^ which caufed us to fear, that all 
things were not w^Il. After he had told his Story:,- 
and ibme of the Elder Indians had cxpreft their Senti- 
inents thereof, they drank CajTcena^ and Smoaked un- 
til Evening. The Houfe being clear, the old Caj]ekey^ 
"looking very unpleafantly, fhewed unto us feveral 
things v\^hich he had got 5 as, a Hatchet, a Knife, the 
Chell, and many other things; asking us, if they were 
not ours ? Which we owned : Whereupon he would 
fay, they were Nickaksr (or EnglijJj,) We fignified, 
that we had them of the Engliflj, but our Money wasj 
Sffaniflj. Towards the Evening, Jofeffl? Kirle^ my felf 
and Solomon^ got an opportunity to Difcourfe him j 
we began to urge his Promife, of carrying us for Au- 
giifleen. At firft, he dated his Hard/hips and Labour to' 
Hoe-Bay^ and back, and that he muft have time to reft 
before he could go out again , then he cold us. The 
way was long, and would be tedious, and that at fe- 
veral places we muft draw the Cannoos over Land for;' 
a great diftanee ^ he alfo mentioned how many Towns" 
there were between this and Augufieen^ in number Ten, 
But nigh i!he conclufion, he ferting an angry Counte- 
nance upon, told U5, That at Hge-Bay he was informed/ 
that we flrould fay. We were all EngU^i-Men , after hq 
faid this in angry manner^ he turn*d from us, and 
"mtni away. 


( ?9 5 

This laid all our hopes in the Duft, and we fod^ 
f)erceiveci the Indians grew jealous of us, for they Woula 
iiowbe daily asking us, If we were nor Nickaleer^ of 
Englijh? And would not feem fadsfied with a denial* 
Many days were fpenr, and the time drew nigh j thai 
we uriderftood the old Cajfekey was intended fqt Ati*' 
^ufieen'^ hereupon we applyedour felves to hiiii, tt^ 
quefting, That if all niighc not go, he would carry 
fome ot us 9 but he told us, He would carry but dnc* 
This put us on qiierrying, Which of us fliould be that 
One? The generality was for Me 3 but I and JofepB 
Kirk were for Solorhon^ bccaufe he could ipeak th^ 
SpaniJh'Language well, and no other of us cOUld 2 AnA 
/hould any other of us have gone, and come amorigft 
^hofe Indians to the Northward, who, we fuppofed^ 
could fpeak the Sfanl^h-Language well, wc ffiould bd 
difcovered to be what thofe People did fuppofe Ivd 
Were, therefore it might overthro\V all otir Expe€ta^ 
tions ; but Solomon might pafs all thofe Objedlians^' 
Thcfe Reafons did not fatisfie our People, fo that farii^ 
o^ them grew Cholerick ; of which the old CaJJeke^ 
took notice, and told Solomon^ That if they made fuch 
a Stir, he would not carry one : If he did, it fJiould 
be either Solomon^ J^fip^ Kirk, or Me. WhereUpOh 
we prevailed with hini, that Solomon might go, and 
accordingly made Preparations : The CaJJkkey appoint- 
cd the number of Indians to go with him j alfo a 
Cannod was ferit for, which, when it came, we found 
it to have belonged to the English, by the Maker of 
her. This Cannoo had a great hole in the Head^ 
nigh the bottom, with many great Rents and Hok^ 
in her J Jofe^b Kirk and I were required to mend 
her, which, with much a-do, we accompli/hed, the 
Cannoo being much decayed, and totten where? th« 
Rents Wsrf , 

» 7ht 


The iSth of the Sth Month ; the ifiofthe Week, 
This Day-morning, the old Cajfekey^ with Solomon 
and fix Indians^ in zCanmoyki out for Augufieen, The 
Cafekey cmiQd a fmall Gheft, in which was nigh One 
Hundred Pieces of Eight, as fome of our People did 
fuppofe, with fome other matters that were gotten 
from our VefTel. The Weather was likely for Rain,^ 
which caufed us to fear, fliould the Weather prove 
bad, that Solomon would hardly live to get to Augufieen ^ 
for he had nothing to cover him, except a pair of 
Indian-Breeches^ and a fmall piece of Skin that covered 
his Breaft. 

We undefftood by the old Cajfekey^ that it would be 
a Month, or next New Moon, before we could expedl 
their Return : All which time we fpent in much trou- 
ble and hardfhip. The Weather began to grow cold, 
and Provifion very fhort ; that is, Palm-Berries^ Cocco- 
Plumbs^ and Sea-Grapes ( which are the three forts 
before expreflcd) the time of thefe Fruits bearing 
being over, they having no fort of Fruit till next 

Thefe People neither Sow nor Plant any manner of 
thing whatfoever, nor care for any thing, but what the 
barren Sands produce : Fifh they have as plenty as they 
pleafe, but fometimes they would make it fcarce to us, 
fo that a Meal in a Week was moft commonly our 
Portion, and three Meals a Rarity. After the old Cafe* 
key*s departure, our hardfliips encreafed, efpecially my 
Wife and Child's, for want of Food of any fort j my 
Wife's Milk was gone, and our poor Child was in 
great want j the Indians now and then would give it 
fuck, but rarely to fatisfie it, for there was a Woman 
or two of their own which had young Children, and 
no Breaft to fuckle them. Our Extremity was fuch, 
that any manner of thing would go down with us j the 
Gills and Guts of Fifh, pick'd off a Dung hill, was ac- 

, . - ' . . . ^ 4i ]i ■ _ \ /, ^ 
ceptable, the Scraps the Indians threvv away, anel the 
Water they boiled their Fifli iti, we were thankful fof^ 
tho* never fo undecently handled by them. And tho* 
my Wife had hardly any Milk for our Child, yet ad 
Wid!7z-Woman, who was lately delivered of a,Child, 
and had no Milk in her Breaft, would have had her to 
fuckle her Child, which my Wife confcnted linro. 
And this W^as a means of her and our Child's reaping at 
Benefit, for the Indians would give her Fi/h ; whicH 
means helped to encreafe Milk for our Child. Many' 
were our Exercifes, both in Body and Mind, among{! 
this People. Sometimes they would look upon us, as 
tho' they had fome ill Intent towards the whole of us ; 
at other times, they would tell us (who where nomi- 
nally ^p^wmv/i) how and in what manner thofe of 
Smtb'^s Company fhould be put to Death. And thusr 
were we daily exercifed in Sorrow and grievous Trou- 
bles. Sometimes doubt would arife araongft us, con- 
cerning what would bt the end of us, and whas 
manner of Deaths we fhould pafs through ; and lihofn-. 
foever thefe doubts did appear in, it wouid be hard 
for another to help with Counfel : But fonie there: 
w^ere, whofe Hope never failed, rhey jrufling ifi the 
Lord to work for our Deliverance. One thing die! 
feem more grievous to me and my Wife, than any 
other thing*, which was, That if it /Ihould fo happen, 
that we fliould be put to Death, we feared that our 
Child would -be kept Alive, and bred up as o'ne of 
thofe People : When thefe Thoughts did arife, if 
wounded us deep. 

This Day, being the time of tht Moon's entering 
the Firft Quarter, the bulians haVe a Ceremonious 
Dance, which they begin about Eight a Clock in the 
Morning : In the firft place comes an old Man^ and 
takes a Staff, about eight Foot long, having a broad 
^^rotv on the head thereof, and thence halfway painty 

_ ( 42 > 

cd Red and White, like unto a BarberVPoIe ^ in the 
middle of this Staif is fixed a piece of Wood, fhaped 
like unto a Thigh, Leg and Foot of a Man, and the 
lower part thereof is painted Black; and thir Staff 
being carried out of the CaJJtkefs Houfe, is kt faft 
in the Ground, (landing upright ; this done, he ^Ifo 
brings out a Basket, containing fix Rattles, which are 
taken out of the Basket, and placed at the foot of this 
Suif;^ then another old Man comes, and fets up a 
Howling, like unto a mighty Dog, but beyond him 
for length of Breath -, withal making a Proclamation : 
This being done, the mod of them having painted 
themfelves, ibme Red, fome Black, fome with Black 
and Red, with their Belly girt up as tight as well they 
can girt themfelves with Ropes, having their Sheath 
of Arrows at their Backs, and thcij.* Bows in their 
Hands ; being gathered together about this Staff, fix of 
the chiefell Men in efteem amongft them, efpecially 
one who is their Do6lor, and much efteemed, taking 
up the 'Rattles, begins a hideous Noife, (landing round 
this^ Staff, taking their Rattles, and bowing without 
ceafing unto the Staff for about half an hour ^ whilft 
tiiefe liK are thus imployed, all the reft are ftaring and 
fcratching, pointing upwards and downwards, on this 
and the other iidc^ every way, looking like Men 
Frighted, or more like Furies •, thus behaving them- 
ielves until the fix has done fhaking their Rattles. . 
Then they all begin a Dance, violently ftamping on 
the Ground, for the fpace of an hour or more, with- 
out ceafing; in which time they will Sweat in a mo(i 
(xcciRve manner, that by the time the Dance is over, 
what by their Sweat, and the violent ftamping of their 
i'cciy the Ground is trodden into Furrows ^ and by the 
-Morning, the place where they danced was covered 
VK'hhMaggocs: Thus, often repeating the manner, they 
continue till about three or four a Clock in the After- 
noon j 

< 4? ) 

noon^, by which time many were Side and Fainry : 
And then, being gathered into the Cajfekey^s Houfe, 
they fir down, having fomehoc CaJJeena ready, which 
they drink plentifully, and give greater quantities 
thereof to the Sick and Fainty, than to others; Then 
they eat Berries. On thefe days they eat nor any Food 
till Nighr. 

The next Day, about the fame rime, rhey begin 
, their Dance, as the Day, before. Alfo the third Day 
they begin their Dance, at the ufual time: At which 
time came many Indians from other Towns, and fell 
to Dancing, without taking any notice one of the 

This Day they were ftridler than the other two Days, 
for no Woman muft look upon them , but if any of 
their Women go out of their Houfes, they go vailed 
with a Mat. 

The z$th of the Sth Month y the iff of the Week, 

This day was a day of plenty unto us, for we had as 
much Fifn and Berries as would ferve us two days. 

This Week we obierved that great Baskers of dryed 
Berries were brought in from divers Towns, and deli- 
vered to the King, or young CaJJekey, which we fup- 
pofed to be a Tribute to the King of this Town, who 
is Chief of all the Towns from St, a Lucea^ to the 
Northward of this Town of Jece, 

The rjth of the jth Month j the -^d of the Week. 

This day was a Bag of Berries ( the Bag made of 
Grafs) given us, which we eat in two or three days ; 
and then we faded as many days, before the young 
Caffekey would give US more. 

About this lime, John Swith znd Andre^v Murray were 
fharply feizcd with a Fever and Ague: When the Fit 
of the Ague was on them, the Indians would mock and 
deride them : This we well obfervcd, that thefe Peo- 
ple had no Compaflign on their own Aged declining 

^3 Pc<?Je 

^ f 

( 44 ) 
People, v^^hen they were paft their Labour, nor on 
.others of their own, which lay undei: any declining 
Condition : For the Younger is ferved before the Elder, 
and the Elder People, both Men and Women, are 
Slaves to the Younger. 

In this Place we faw many Tokens of fome of 
pur Nation's having fallen into the Hands of thefe 
People; As, two Englifh Cannoos^ one of Cedar^ thq, 
other of Cotton-Tree^ like thofe of Jamaica ; feveral 
Blocks and Shelves of Lignum-Vita j feveral Tools 
and Knives; and n>ore particularly, a Raz/>ry on the 
haft of which, was writ the Man's Name, thus, 
T H O ?vl A S F O S T E R. Some of thefe things looked 
as though they had been feveral Years amongft them, 
ibme but a few : But we never dared to enquire, for 
we thought they brought fome things in pu^ yie^ to 
try us. ' 

Here was a Man }n this Town, who, fome Years 
gafi:, had been taken off by fome of our Englifli Sloops, 
for a Diver on the Wreck, to the Eaftward of Cuha\ 
^here he wag fome time ; but the Veffel putting into 
Cuba, for Water, this W/^w Swam on Shoar, and got 
to the Havana^ thence to Augu(leen^ and fo to his Na- 
tive Towm. The greatefl Charge this Man had againft 
ihe Englift, was, for taking him, and their People 
away ^ not but that he was well ufed amongft them : 
This InMan would often call Joje^h Kirk, Solomon Cref- 
[onl and fome of us into his Houfe, feeming very chear- 
full, asking, If they would eat, withaj asking the 
names of the Berries, expecting we would call them 
after the Engli/li manner \?lumbs'] but perceiving his 
drift, and having learned the name of them, as the 
^p^?ilard calls them [Uvaes -^ then he would tell us, 
rhat the Engliih called them ?lumbs : ] Such fort of 
t)ifcourfe we had at times, for he would be ftriving 

iQ ^-ao us, vir^> Jofefk Sohm.Qn an4 M^-^ in words, 

r-- ■ ■*■ - >■■'■;■- , ^ -■■ ' ■ ■ but 


but he never had an Advantage; for when Solomon ^ 
was gone, we fhunned all his Invitations and Argu- 

The J I of the 8th Month •j the jthofthe Week. 

This day came in a Cannoo laden with Fifli, and it 
^was free, for thofe that would, to take as much as they 
pleafcd. The Indians put us to go and take, for it was 
a kind of a Scramble, amongftus, and the yoimg Indian 
Men and Boys : All of us got Fifh enough to fcrve us 
two or three days. 

The id of the ^th Month ; the id of the Week. 

This Morning, about Sun-rifmg, came two Strange 
Indians^ who had run fo hard, that they Sweated ex- 
treamly, of whom we underftood, that the Spaniards 
were coming with their old Cajjekeyj which News 
furprized us, doubting the Truth of it, for Solomon had 
been gone but fixtecn Days, and we underftood that 
they muft have an extraordinary Paffage to be here in 
a Month : We had not long to confider of the mat- 
ter, for in an hour's time we heard four Muskets 
difcharged, and immediately we looked out, and the 
Spaniards in their Terre-Augo were in fight. The Indi- 
ans were like a People amazed, and overcome with 
Fear : We perceived the Noife of a Gun .was terrible 
unto them. 

The Spaniards Landed, being in number Twelve, 
Sehafiian Lopez, Commanding Ten Soldiers, with one 
Indian^ an Interpreter. The Spaniards embraced us 
very chearfully, and expreffcd their being glad to 
find us alive ; But we were not able to Difcourfe 
each other, though we had fo much Sfaniflj as to 
ask Queftions, and Anfwer fome part of what they 
asked us. One of the Spaniards faid, They could not 
fpeak Englijb, nor could we fpeak Spanijlj enough to 
undcrftand each other fufficiently ; this the Indians per- 
_ ceiyed, and irajwcdiatdy cryed out, Nickakerj Nickaleer, 

p 4 and 

( 4<5 ) 

i^d looked enyioufly on us, fo that, coujd they have 
had their wills, we believed they would not have fuf- 
fered us to have lived many hours j but the Spaniards 
Awed them. 

We received a Letter from SoUmon-i which he writ 
when he met with Captain Sebajilan Lopez., fignifying 
jhe Governour of Augufleens great Care for our Pre- 
ferv^tion, of what Nation fo ever we were : But how 
thefe Perfons, or the Governour of Jugufieen, had 
jknowledge of us, we could not underftand ; for 
fhey ftad been fourteen Days frorn Augufieen^ which 
W^s nigh .the pme Solomon went heqcci ^"4 they 
^ej Solomon about half way, and fent him for An- 
^ufieen with other Gujdes, bringing the old Cajfekey 
^nd his People wjth them: We obferved that the 
(pid fajjekey feem'd much dejedlcd. We fuppofed 
ih^ ^faniards had taken from him the Money, and 
what other things he had carried with him j or 
that he was vexed he ihould be fo deceived, |n ta- 
king us for Spaniards. 

The Spaniards were extraordinary kind unto us, fp 
%hii we had occafion to rejoyce, and thank the Lor4 
for this part of our Deliverance by their means : They 
were alfo a Terror unto the lndia7is j for they fearched 
fheir Houfcs, and took all froni them that ever they 
^oiild find/ even to the ftub of a Nail ^ which aggrava- 
ted rhem, and increafed their dif-arfedlion to us- ward, 
fo that we dared not to ftir frafii a Spaniard, The Spa- 
nip) Captain made enquiry where we were cafj; away, 
^nd v^'hat was faved that we had in our Veffel ? We 
gave an isocount, fo well as we could, to n^akc him 
-uqderftand us 5 which account made him very defirous 
to go down thither: But looking over a Paper often, 
Which Ve fuppofed J was the Governoui's Order and 
Inftruftions tohim : We underft'ood they would not 
pejfHjitl^ii^?^ pJ^9ft^^f€ his Defign f befide?, we inad'e 

( 47 ) 

him fenfible of the clanger we fhould be in, if he and 
his Men Ihould go and leave us amongft thefe People, 
who were fo bitterly inccnfed againft us. 

They inquired What became of the Boat that belong- 
ed to Smith's Veflel and ours, we told them, that thefe 
Indians had taken Smithes Boat and funk her fbmewhere 
in the Sound, but ours \yas at St aLucea: The Spa^ip- 
ards made the Indians go and fhew where they had funk 
Smith's Boat, and help our People to get her up ; which 
being done, Ihe was brought to the Town : The Spani" 
ards were mightily pleafed with her, and propoled, 
that they in their Cannoo^ and our People in that Boat, 
fhould go to Hoe-Bay^ whereby they might get all from 
the Indians^ whicft they had gotten from us, but we 
would not countenance the matter: We were for as 
fpeedy departing from amongft thefe People, as we 
could, fince it had pleafed God to open a way for our 

This Morning the Spanijh Captain made the Indians 
provide two Cannoos^ which he caufed to be lalhed to- 
gether, at fbme diftance, with Sticks a crofs, and mat- 
ted on the top ^ which being done, with four Indians^ 
jofeph Kirle^ John Smithy Robert Barrow^ Andrew Morray^ 
Benjamin Allen^ Nathaniel RandaU^ 'John Shears^ Cornelifu 
Toker^ Jofeph Kirle's Boy John Hilliar^ four Negroes^ viz. 
Jack^ Cafar^ Sarah and QnenzA^ were {ent away for 
Angufteen \ but not one Morfel of Viduals, except a 
very few Barries, had they with them^ and not one 
Spaniard to Guard them, but- were put under the Go-? 
vernment of thofe four Indians. About an hour after 
Jofeph Kirle was gone, the Spanish Captain ordered 
Smith's Boat to be got ready, with two Spamardsj and 
four of our Men, to row to the place where the drift 
pf Smith's Veffel was, to look for Log-wood or old 
Iran : When they returned, there was not any thing 
pf Valu^: But qpr People faid, that as th^y were 
ie^tc&ing about, they found the Bones of Andrem 


( 4S ) 

Barfies ; his Skull and Jaw-Bone were broken, which 
occafioned us to fufpedt, that he was knocked on the 
Head by the Indians^ after they had driven away Smith 
and his People. 

We told the Spanijh Captain, That Jofefb Kirle*s 
Negro, Ben, had been abfent, ever fincc the day af- 
ter Solomon Crejfon went hence, being gone with 
the Old Cajjekeys Wife, but we knew not whither. 
The Captain made inquiry of the Indians whither he 
was gone J they faid, Vox Hoe-Bay: Then he ordered 
them to fend for him, for he would not leave him 
behind: The Indians faid, He would be here within a 
fday or two. 

The Spaniards were continually fearching for what 
jhey could find, of fuch things as the Indians had got- 
ten from us and others ; And when they could find 
no more, they would offer to buy with Tobacco what 
they could perfwade the Indians to bring to Light. A 
Leaf, or half a Leaf, oiTohacco^ would purchafe a Yard 
of Linnen or Wollen, or Silk, from the Indians j fuch 
Admirers of Tobacco are they, that they efteem it be- 
yond any other thing. 

An Indian of the Town, fometime before the Sfani" 
ards came, having a considerable quantity of Amber^ 
greeccy boafted, that when he went for Augufieen with 
that, he could purchafe of the Spaniards ^ tl Looking* 
Qlafsy an Ax^ a Knife or two, and three or four Man^ 
nocoes ( which is about five or fix Pounds ) of Tobacco : 
The quantity of Amber-greece might be about five 
Pound weight. 

The ^b (f the 9th Month j the 4th of the Weeh 

This Day we made Oars for Smithes Boat, of Sticks, 
and the Cantle-pieces of Sugar- Hoglheads, which were 
gotten on the Beach, where the drift of Smithes Veffel 
came on Shoar: And this Evening came the old Cajfe^ 
leaf's Wife, with Jofejb Kirk*s Negjrp Beth and Jofefb 


Kirle^s Boat, which was of great advantage to help to 
carry us. We worked all this Night to fit the Boat, 
and Oars unto her, being intended to go away, as foon 
as we could compleat thisjobb. 

The Spaniards had brought little ProvifioB with them, 
fo that there was KOt much to fpare for us, having not 
above a Rove of Corn, and a little Nova-Spain Bread, 
which was fo bad, that it was more Dull, and dead 
Weavels, than Bread; an handful of it was an accepta- 
ble Prefent to us. We would mix it with a little Water, 
making it to a Pafte, which would eat pleafantly ; but 
Hunger was no Stranger unto us, and we knew not that 
we fhould have any Vidluals on our journey; but our 
Deliverance feem'd to over-ballance all. The Indians 
would not give us any Berries ^ but our People watch'd 
an opportunity, and took one of the CaJJekefs Bags of 
Berries, which might contain about a Bumel, which 
was all that One and Thirty of us had to depend on. 
Tke lyth of the ^th Month 'j the ^tb of the Week. 
This Morning, about three hours before day, wc 
departed from this Town of Jece j the Weather wa$ 
grown Cold, we had nothing wherewith to cover our 
Bodies, befides what the Indians gave us at firft, except 
my Wife, for whom the Spaniards got an old Jacket 
( which had been one of .SwzVj&'s Men's) and gave her 
to wear y alfo a fmall piece of Cloth to cover our poor 
Child : But it pleafed God to ftrengthen us, in this our 
Condition, fo that we rowed all this day without cca- 
fing, until three hours after it was Dark, by which 
time we got to an Indian Town : Here we met with 
Jofeph Kirky Robert Barrow^ and the Others, who got 
thither not above an hour or two before us. They 
had not received any manner of Suftenance from the 
time they left us, until they got fome Berries of us, ha- 
ying lain one Night of the two in a Swamp j but they 

Wi^ as ChccrfuJ as Men cguld be in this Scraigl->r* ^ 
'- . ' - •' • ^ Since 


Since they left us, amongft their other Hardiiiipj, 
Jofe^b Kirle had like to have loft his Life feveral times ; 
The firft was thus, Whilft the two Camoos were laflied 
together, having a few Berries, that were defigned to 
have been fhared amongft them, the Irijh Boy, Cornelim 
Toker, would ever and anon be taking fome, of them j 
who, being often reproved by Jofepb Kirk and others, 
would not defift ; whereupon Jofeph Kirle j with the 
Paddle he paddled the C^«w9o along with, ftruck him ; 
thereupon an Indian took his Bow and Arrow, and was 
going to fhoot Jofefh^ who feemed little concerned, 
-whether he lived or "died j withal faying. The S^ani^ 
ards would juftifie him. 

Another time. When he was fpent with paddling 
the CannQOy and defired John Smith-i Andrew Murray^ 
and others of them, as well able as himfeJf, to 
give him a Spell , which they refufed j and he . 
being not able to Paddle further, laid down his 
Paddle *, whereupon the Indians commanding him to 
Paddle, he refufed, faying. They might Kill him if 
they would *, opening his Breaft for them to exe- 
cute their Wills : Which they feemed as though they 
would have done j but after great threatning, they 

Another time, The Wind being high, and the Seas 
rough, that they were forced to unlafh their Cannoosj 
by Jofeph Kiries Perfwafion, and to go fingle, Jofe^b 
Kirk taking one Cannoo to his own management, ha- 
ving Robert Barrow, his Boy, my Kinfman, Nathaniel 
Randaly and the Negroes^ in her j which, being thus 
fingle from the other Companyj was more fatisfadtory 
to him than before, tho' none to help but Nathaniel 
RandaL My Negro-Womzny named Sarahs having 
beaten and abufed a Girl, named Quenzuti being re- 
proved often by him and Robert Barrow, fhe therefore 
aibufed l^hem in an misioximvy manner ^ whereupon 


( 5' ) 

Jofefh (Iruck her with his Paddle ; at which, one of 
the Indians^ in the Other Canno^ took his ftriking Staff 
and darted at him, narrowly miffing him. 

This Morning, Jofefh Kirles with thofe that were 
with him, were, by the Spamjl} Captaitt^ ordered away 
atBreak of Day, he not taking any care to give them 
a little Suftenance ^ and about an hour or two after we 
followed, rowing all this Day, without ceafing, until 
an hour or two in the Night ; by which time we got 
to an Ittdian Town, where not any thing was to be had 
but Water: About two hours after us,came Jofepb Kirle^ 
the Sfanipj Captain would not kt them come on Shoar^ 
but ordered them to keep on, that we might get next 
Night to the place where we mull hale our Boats oyer 
Land, from one Sound unto another. 

The jth of the ^th Month ^ the -jth of the Week. 

This Morning we fet forward very early, and rowed 
hard: About Noon we got to a parcel ofMarfy IJlands^ 
amongft which we were to go up Creeks : The PalTage 
was very difficult to find. At length, when we \a ere 
got nigh an Indian Town, the Spaniards hollowed, and 
an Indian came out into the Marfli, but was very loath 
to come near us ^ at length he came wading to us, to 
be our Pilot : We fet forward, and in an hour's time^ 
or more, were got to the place where Jofeph Kirle^ and 
thofe with him were j the Indians that were with Jo- 
feph would not let them proceed further, until w^ecame 
up with them. In half an hour's time we got to the 
place w here we were to hale our Boats over Land, be- 
ing about a quarter of a Mile from Sound to Sound : 
At this place the Sea was half a Furlong from us. The 
Spanijl} Captain gave the Indian^ we iaft took in, a piece 
oi 2LLt2L^ o^ Tobacco^ commanding him to go, with all 
fpeed, and bid his CaJJekey^ with all his able Men, 
come to help to hale our Boats over Land. But we 
fet to work, and had them over by that time the Indi* 


iiam carhc. The Spanijh Captain gave the Cajjekey 2l Leaf 
or two of Tobacco for him, and difcharged them v onlf 
ordered ihtCajJekey to fend fomeMen a Fifhing for him, 
which they did, and befdre Night brought a ftately par- 
cel of Fifh J but none of our People had any part of it, 
except my Wife zn^iT enclose :^ what they did not eat, 
they kept to carry with thetii. 

A little before Night fprang up a Storm of Wind at 
North-Eaft \ it feemcd likely to be a Difmal Night of 
Wind and Rain, and we were got to a place where 
there was not a Tree or Bufli, ot any manner of Shel^ 
ter, and' the Wind fo very cold that we thought we 
fhould not live till the next day. We had no Wood 
to make a Fire with, and what to do we could not 
tell J but we were refolved to try to get fome, and in 
order thereto, fome of the ableft of us went along the 
Bay, to fearch for Drifc-wood, and found a little j but 
Rain came, with the Night, and no Shelter to be had 
but our Boats, and the Spaniards would not let us med- 
dle with them, to turn them bottom upwards for Shel- 
ter, which feemed very hard ^ but they had made them- 
felves feme Shelter with Mats. We were forced to ex- 
ercife Patience, ^nd with what Salt- Water- Wood we 
had, made as good a Fire as we could, and laid our 
felves down on the Sand by it j and it pleafcd God we 
had a comfortable Night, beyond our Expectation, on- 
ly the Cold was very fharp. 

The 2th of the ^th Month ^ the t^ of the Weeh 

This Morning vve fet forward, but the Water was 
fo low, that we were forc'd to wade, and thrufi: the 
Boat along for fome Miles ^ at length we got into a' 
deep Channel, where was nothing to be fecn but Marfir 
and Water, and nofaft Land, nor Trees. About ten a 
Clock we heard three or four Muskets fired a little a- 
head of us, in the Channel we were in 5 our Spaniards 
prefently anfwered them with the like | and in a Kttk 

( 5? ) 

time wc met. This was a Verre-Augoe to joyn with that 
that came for us, having order to go to the place where 
we were Caft away^^nd to get what Was to be had from 
the Indians •, but this other Boat turned back, for there 
was no place to go on Shoar. And in an hour or two's 
time we got into the other Sound, where the Land was 
not be feen from fide to fide, in fome places : The like 
was in the other we came through. About an hour 
before Sun-fet we got to an Indian Vlantation ( this 
was the firft place we faw any thing planted) being 
full ofPumpion Vines, and fpme {tn2L\\Pumpions on them; 
but the Spaniards were too quick for us, and got all 
before us : Some of us got a few as big as one's Fift, 
We had a Fire there, yet had not patience to drels^ 
them as they fhould be, but put them into the Fire, 
roafted them, and eat them. The Spaniards ufed a 
great deal of Cookery with their Pumpions, And the 
Terre-Augoe, that came from Augufteen, had brought 
Bread, Corn, and ft rung Beef-, but it was kept from us, 
except a piece of ftrung Qcd the Captain of the Spmi^ 
ards gave my Wife, as big as a Stick of Sealing- Wax^ 
which we treafured up, expelling it muft be harder 
with us when we hh this People. Here Captain Sa- 
hajiian Lopez, drew up a Writing, and would have had 
me and Jofeph Kirk to Sign ir, which we refufed : For 
we perceived he had a defign, efpecially againft me, 
to oblige me to give him fome of my Negroes. Wc 
anfwered him fhort, That I reckoned my Mf and Ne- 
groes at the Governour of Augu/ieens difpofal, and we 
would fign no Writing. We borrowed .a Pot^ and 
boiled Pumpion Leaves^ having nothing to put to them 
but Water, which was fatisfadory. But this Night 
was more terrible than the Jaft, the Wind being at 
North-Weft j it did not blow hard, yet it was very cold, 
we lying in an open Field, without any Shelter j one 
fide of us would fcorch, while the other was freezing. 


C 54 > 

Our Negro-woman Hagars little Boy, named Cajoii 
Vtras feized with Convulfion-Fits about two in the Morn- 
ing, which was chiefly occafioned by the Cold, and 
want of Food : But help there was not from us. ^ The 
Spanijh Captain Game to fee the Child, and fuppofirig 
that it would die, asked, If the Child Was aChriftian P 
He was anfwered, As good a one as he could make it. 
But he called for fome Water, putting fome of it on 
the Crown of the Child's Head, and CroIIing it, call- 
ed him Francifco. This Action pacified its Father and 

, The ^th of the ^th Months j the id of the tVeek, 
This Morning we were to go forward, and the Spa- 
fiiards were to return to the place where we were Caft 
away ^ but our two Boats could not carry us all, there- 
fore we had the Spaniards great Terre-Augoe to carry \xi 
one Day's Journey further, to an India7i-Town^zn6. hut 
Spaniards With US, three of which were to bring the 
Verre-Augoeh^Lck^ the other was to be our Guide forJu- 
^Hpen. We departed, and met with an intricate Paf- 
lagc J for fometimcs we Ihould be a Ground on Oyfter- 
banks, or Shoals, and aimoft out of fight of Land. 
About two or three in the Afternoon, we had no Wa- 
ter to go any further ^ the Wind being North-JVef^erlj^ 
drove the Water out of the Sound ^ but being nigh tht ^ 
Shoar, where had been an Jndian-Town^ we went oii 
Shoar, and found fome ripe Berries on the Valm-pimbs^ 
which we were very earned after, till fuch time as a 
Storm o^ Wind, with Rain, began to come upon us, and 
Night nigh at hand \ whereupon we all got together, 
conlideriag what we fliould do, fince there Was no pof- 
iibility of getting Shelter here. Our Indian Guide faid, 
wc might get to a Town about two Leagues offj which 
wc were glad to hear, for it rained hard. So we, with 
our Guide, fet forward, and walked over a parcel of 
fcraggy ihrubby Hills, to the Sea-fhoar j along which 

( 55 ) 

Ijve travelled till we got to the W/tf^-Toirw, iVher^ wc 
got plenty of Berries for our Suppen It rained mucii 
till towards Morning. 

The I oth of the ^th Month * the ^d sf the Week. , ; , 
This Morning the Indians were not willing to ftay 
any longer ; and we. were by our Guide required td 
depart, which we did, and a great many young IndUn^ 
Men followed us fome Miles along the Bay, and offer-- 
cd violence to Robert Barrow, and feveral others ; but 
were cafily ftopp'd, by fliewing them a rufty Muske^i 
prefented towards them, and fo they left us,; We had 
an untoward Parage from the Sea-fhoar ath'^aft the 
Land, to the Indian-Town-, the Ground being fwampy^ 
and fcraggy Hills, which to our bare Feei; was very 
troublefomc. This was. a large Town; and there wa^ 
another large Town, about a Mile diftant^ in fight i 
thither part of our Company was fent to be quartered^ 
At which Town, about a Twelve-Month finee^ a parcel 
bi Butch-Mtn were killed 7 who having been Caft awaf 
on the Bohemia Jhoals^ in a Flat which they built, cfca- 
ped hither, and were here devoured by thefe CanibaU; 
as we underftood by the Spaniards, The Flat, or Boat,- 
our People faw v bur, they feem'd kind to therp, giving 
them FiOi and Berries to eat. Wc remained at thefe. 
two Towns tilt ne^^t Morning* The Indians of i\ii 
Town I was at, were not fo kind as thofe^ at the 
other Town had been. Some of Our People v/ere 
for felling their Rags to the Indians for Fifh j bm 
we thought it was neceflary, of the two ExtreamSj 
to defend againft the Cold, for cvefy Day g^'^^ 
Colder w^an Orherj and we feared, that if we were 
much ionger cxpofed td it, we fhould not live it 

The I ifh of the ^th Mcnth ;- the 4^h of the Weeh 
. This Moihing, leaving this Town, we Embarqued 
h our two Bomy mi thofe of our People that wer<: 


at the other Town, were to have a large Camoo to 
carry them thence, and were to meet us in the Sound : 
VVe rowed ieveral Leagues, and did not meet them, it 
being then about ten a Clock j the Spaniard would go 
on Shoar, and travel back by Land to fee after them. 
We being by an- Inlet of the Sea, which was a Mile 
over, the Spaniard ordered us to go on the other fide, 
and there flay for him ; which we did many hours ; 
At this place we ail went upon the Search, to fee if 
any thing was to be had for tlie Belly, fome on the 
Land, fome in the Water: The Land yielded nothing, 
but in the Water we got a fort of Shell-Fifh, called 
Water- Soldiers, which we eat. At length the Canmo 
u'ith our People came, but our Spaniard was not come, 
biit in about half an hour's time he came with a. fmall 
Cannoo. This was the place where Solomon met the 
'Spaniards. The Cannoos had each two Indians to fet 
them along j and we had one Indian for our Guide, 
named Wan-Antonia, who the Spaniard faid was a Chri- 
(lian, but an Inhabitant of that Town, where the Dutch- 
Men were kill'd. We fet fotward in our two Boats, 
and the two Cannoos, and rowed till Night, being nigh 
a place of thicketty Wood, which we made choice of 
to lodge at for this Night: Here was Wood enough, 
we made large Fires, were pleafed with the place, and 
lay down to reft. About Mid-night I had a great-lofs, 
having a Quart of Berries whole, and as much pounded 
to mix with Water, to feed our Child with ^ the Fire 
being difturbed, the Cloth which we had our Food 
in was burn'd j all was loft, and nothing to be had 
until we could get to the Spaniards, which was two 
Days March at leaft. About an hour after this, the 
Wind rofe at North- Weft, and it began to Rain*, but 
having (mall Valmetto which grew nigh, Jofeph Kirk 
and I fet tp Work, and made a Shelter, whicli would 
keep Ten dr-more of us from the Weather: We had 


. . . \ .'. : (Hi , . ^ . 

ho fooner compleated our Work, but it rained hardly 
In this Shower of Rain the four Indians got froit^ 
among its, took their Cannoos^ and away they ifjctit 
back again : When Day appeared, we niilfed them ; 
upon which we Went to the Water-fide, where wc 
found the two Cannoos gone. And now we were irt M 
great Straight j but the Spaniard faid, Thofq that coUld 
Travel beft muft go by Land. The Perfons pitch'd 
Upon were, Richard Limpenj^ Andrew Adurray^ Cornelitk 
Toker, Jofepb Kirles Boy John IllUard^ and Venelofe g 
with Seven iVl?gr(?a, named, Veter^ J^cK defar^ Sarab^ 
Bella^ Sufanna and Quenfa 5 the Spaniardsy and the ift*' 
Man, WaH'Antonia^ Went with them to direft theni 
the way, carrying them over Land to the Sea-fhoar, 
and then directing to keep the Sea-fioar along to the 

Th^y returned to us, and we with oUr two Boats 
rowed all day without ceafing, till Sun-letting ; and 
when vve put on Shoar, the place was ari old Indian^ 
Field, on a high bleak Hill, where had been a large 
Indian-Houfi, but it was tumbled down; of the Ruines 
of this Houfe we made a Shelter againft ih^ Nmh-V/efi 
Wind, which began to blow very bleak, tht Spaniard 
went to the Sea, which was not two Miles 0IF, to fe^ 
if our People had paffcd, and at his return he faid^ 
They were gone by. We asked, If they could reach 
to any Houfe, or Indian*To\vn, for Shelter ? For #e 
fuppofed, /hould they be without Fire this Night, they 
could not live. He faid. They muft travel all Night-, 
Night came on, we had Fire and Wood enough, and 
had gathered a great heap of Grafs to lie on, hoping 
to have got fome reft 5 but the North-Wefi Wind in- 
creafed, and the Cold was fo violent, that ^^e were In 
a lamentable Condition, not able to reft , for as we lay 
or ftood fo clofe to the Fire, that it Would Scorch Us^ 
that M% fxom ic ivas readj to Freeze; We had no othej 

fi i ■ ' Way 


way but to ftand and keep turning for the moft part 
of the Night j we all thought we never felt the like. 
The Spaniard that was clothed, was as bad to bear it 
as we that were naked. At length Day appeared, and 
we mud go. 

Tloeiyh of the <)th Month j the 6th of the Week. 
This Morning we were loth to part with our Fires^ 
but to ftay here it could not be j fo we went to our 
Boats, wading in the Water, till it was ready to be- 
num us: But we put forward, and rowing about two- 
Leagues, came lo an old Houfe, where the Spaniard 
told us, we muft leave the Boats, and travel by Land 9 
we had a boggy Mar/h to v/ade through, for a Mile, to 
get to the Sea-ifhoar, and had about five or (ix Leagues, 
along the Bay or Strand, to the Spanijh Sentinal's Houfe. 
The North'We[i Wind was violent, and the Cold fuch, 
that the ftrongeft of us thought we fhould not out- live 
that day. Having got through the boggy Marfli, and 
on the Sea- /hoar, our People, black and white, made 
all fpeed, one not flaying for another, that could not 
tiavel fo faft ; none but I, with my Wife and Child, 
Robart Barrow^ my Kinfman Benjamin AUen^ and my 
Negro London^ whom I kept to help carry my Childy 
keeping together ^ the reft of our Company had left us, 
not expe6ting ta fee fome of us again j efpecially Ro^' 
htrt Barrow^ my Wife and Child. We travelled after 
as well as we could ^ having gone about two Miles, 
the Cold fo feized on my Kinfman, Benjamin AUeny 
that he began to be ftifF in his Limbs, and daggered 
and fell, grievoully complaining, that the Cold would- 
kill him. Our Negro having our young Child, I and 
my Wife took our Kinfman under each Arm, and 
helped him along j but at length Bis Limbs were quite 
fiiff, his Speech almoft gone, and he began to Foam 
at Mouth. In this Straight we knew not what to do ; 
to ftay with him, wc muft perilh alfoi and we were 


( 59 ) 

Willing to ftrivc as long as we could. Wc carried out 
Kinfman, and laid him under the Bank, nor being 
Dead ; I refolved to run after our People, fome of 
them not being out of Sight j which I did, and left 
mjfc Wife and Child, with the Negroe^ to follow as 
faft as they could. I run about two Miles, making 
Signs to them, thinking if they fljould look behind 
them, and fee me running, they would ftop till I got 
up with them. I was in hopes, that if I could have 
accompli/hed this my defign, to have got help to have 
carried my Kinfman along ; but they flopped nor, 
and I ran until the Wind pierced me, fo that my Limbs 
failed, and I fell ; yet ftill I ftrove, and getting up, 
walked backward to meet my Wife ^ as I was going, 
I met with the Spaniard coming out of the Sand-hills, 
and Jofeph Kirles Negro^ Ben* I made my Complaint 
to the Spaniard^ but he not being able to underftand 
me well, went forward. I then applyed my felf to 
che Negroj making large Promifes, if he would fetch 
my Kinfman ^ he offered to go back, and ufe his en- 
deavour, which he did. At length my Wife and Child 
came up with me. She was almoft overcome with grief, 
exprelling in what manner we were forced to pare 
with our Kinfman ^ and cxpeSing t!?at She and the 
Child fliould go next. 

Poor Rohert Barrow was a great way behind us, I 
feared we fhoijld never fee him again. I ufed my cn*» 
deavour to comfort and cheer my Wife, inrreating her 
not to let Grief overcome her : I had hppcs that the 
Lord would help us in this ftraight, as he had done 
in many fince wc were in this Land : And if it pleafed 
God that Wc fhould lay down our Lives in this Wlf* 
dernefs, that we might befcech him to enable us to do 
It willingly. Thus ftriving in a deep Excrcife of Body 
and Mind, We travelled on, admiring God's Goodnefs 
to prefervjng us thus far through fo many eminent 

P2t5gers I In the fenfe of which, a (ecret hope wouI4 
arife (tho* invoh^ed with humane Doubts and Fears) 
That the Lord would yet preferve us. I tgok my 
Child from <he Negro^ and carried him. I had aq 
Jndm-M0t^ with a fplit in it, through which I put my 
Head, hanging over my Breaft unto my Wafte ^ under 
this I carried my Child, which helped to break the 
Wind off it ; but the poor Babe was black with cold 
from Head to Foot, and its Flefh as cold as a Stone, 
yet it was not froward. Its Mother would take it 
now and then, and give it the Bread, but little could it 
get at it: B(?fides it, we dared not flop in the lead, for if 
Vit did, we fiiould perceive our Limbs to fail. About 
rWQ aClock in the afternoon, we came up with our 
Negrq-Woman, Hagar^ with her Child at her Back, 
almori dead : And a little further we came up with 
bur Negro-Girl, Quenza, being dead, as we thought, 
for flie was as ftiff as a dead Body could be, and her 
Eyes fet^ but at length we perceived her Breathe, but 
Ihe had no Sehfe nor Motion : We carried her froni 
the Water-fide, under the Bank. This increafed my 
fife's Sorrow, and Hie began to doubt, fhe (hould not 
^c able to travel much further | but I endeavoured to 
(encourage iier, not to leave her driving, as long as 
kny ability was kfu AllQur People were out of' fight, 
f2icept four, and thofe we had gained upon. I fent 
iny Negro to overtake them, and to defire them to 
fecken their pace, till we got up with them j being 
|n hopes, that gaining their Company, would cheer 
up my Wife, but they would not j fo the Negro 
flopped for us : We had loft fight of Robert Barrow by 
ffhis time. §oon after we overtook John Smith, who 
^/as one of the four, he began to fail, and his Com- 
panions left him 5 vvhereupon he made grievous Com- 
plaints, which i reproved him for, left he fliould dif- 
courage my Wife, - The Suq was uigh fetting, and we 

( 6i ) 

began to look out for the Scntinal's Poft, and my KV 
gro at times got upon feveral of the higheft Sand-hUls 
to look out, but could not fee any Houfe» nor the 
Smoak of Fire. This was terrible to us all j for the 
Day beingfTo cold, the Night much more, and we 
not able to travel without Reft, being a ftarved People, 
both within our Bodies and without ; and if we 
ceafed from travelling, wc fhould inftantly be numm'd 
and move no further. In the midfi of thefe Reafon- 
ings and Doubting, we were got into, lefpied a Man, 
as I thought, ftanding on the Bank, but at great di- 
ftancc', I was afraid to fpeak, left it fhould prove other- 
wife, but he was foon feen by the whole Company ; 
and at length we efpied him walking towards the 
Land, this confirmed us 5 and fo we betook to the 
Hills again, to look out, yet could not fee the Houfe 
from thence i but on the next Hill we faw it : This 
was Joy unto us, though we began to have a fenfe of 
our tirednefs j for our Rcfolution abated, . after we had 
got fight of the Houfe. 

When we got to the Houfe, we found four Sentinals, 
and the Spaniards^ our Guides, with the three of our 
Men, viz>. Jofeph Buckley^ Nathaniel Randal, and yob?f 
Shires, The Spaniards bid us welcome, and made room 
for us to (it down by the Fire. The chiefeft Man of 
the Sentinals, took a kerfey-Coat,and gave my Wife to 
cover her, and gave each of us a piece of Bread, made 
of Indian-Cern^ which was pleafant unto us j after it 
we had plenty of hot Cajfeena-Drink, It was dark, and 
we endeavoured to prevail with the Spaniards to go 
feek for Rohert BarroTv and my Kinfman, offering them 
confiderablej but they feemed not fully to underftand 
me, yet I could make them fenfible, that my Kinfman 
was almoft dead, if not quite •, and that the old Maa 
was in a bad condition. . They made me to under- 
ftandj that the Weather was not fit to go our, buj 

E 4 jhey 

phey would watch if Robert would pafs by. Aboui 
an hQur or two after, one of the Spaniards being walk- 
jng out of the Bay, met with Roherty and brought him 
Into the Houfe : We rejoyced to fee him, and en- 
quired concerning our Kinfman and Negro Ben. He 
laid, Our Kinfman was ftriving to get up, and could 
hot j he came to him, and fpake unto him j he could 
jbot anfwer, but ery'd, and he could not help him. 
Put coming along, at fomc confiderable diftance, met 
Negro BeHy who faid. He was going for Benjamin 
lAUe&y {q he paft him. And fome Miles further, he faw 
iJegro Jacky drawing himfelf down from the Bank, 
fiis lower parts being dead, and crying out for fome 
Fire, that he might ftve his Life j but he did not fee 
ihe Negro Girl, whom we hailed out of the way* 
j^e M^ere under a great Concern for our Kinfman ; 
tb^ Sfmards we could not prevail upon to go and 
fetch him, or go and carry wherewith to make a Fire ; 
^vhich had they done, gnd found them living, it might 
have prefer ved them : But we hoped Negro Beti, 
V/oUid bring our Kinfman. The 5p^wW^ would have 
Jiad tpqft of u§ to have gone to the next Sentinal's 
Houfcj which was a League farther, but we all beg- 
ged hard of jhem to la. us lye in their Houfe, in any 
place. On the Ground, for we were not able to travel 
farther : Belides, the cold would WH us ; for we were 
In fuch a trembling ftaking Condition, and io full of 
jpain, from Head to Foot, that it's not to be exprefled^ 
^r length the Spaniards confented. That Robert Bar^ 
ro-^i^'j I, my Wire and Child, and John Smithy fliould 
iyQ in the Houfe j but to Jofe^h Biickley, Nathaniel Ran^ 
daly John Sheirsy an4 Tftiy Negro Londony they would 
pot grant that favour. So one of the Spaniards taking 
3 Fire-brand, bid thofe four go with him j he direfited 
?hem to ^ frt^all Thicket of Trees, and fhewed them 
?Q &M^ Wqpd^ gn4 make |arge pircs, ^n^ S!e<^p 

there. Thefe poor Creatures lay out, and if proved 
a hard Frofty Night. The Spaniard returned, and faid. 
They were got into a Wood, and had Fire enough. 
We were filent, but feared they would hardly live 
till Morning. 

After they were gone, the Spaniards took a pint of 
Indian-Corfty and parched it, and gave part to us, which 
.we accepted cheerfully; alfo they gave us fome Coffee" 
fta-Drink, Wc were in extraordinary .pain, fo that we 
could not reft ; and our Feet were cxtreamly bruifed, 
the Skin was oif, and the Sand caked with the Bipod, 
that we could hardly fet our Feet to the Ground, after 
we had been fome time in the Houfe. The Night was 
extream cold , tho' we were in the Houfe, and by the 
Fire we could not be warm, for the one fide did 
fcorch, whilft the other was ready to freeze j and thus 
wepaffed the Night. 

The i^tb of the 9th Month y the jth of the Weeh 

This Morning we looked out, and there was a ve- 
ry hard Froft on the Ground j fo it was terrible to 
go out of Door. Our People returned from the 
Wood, but complained heavily of their Hardihip in 
the Night. They had hot been an hour in the Houfcj 
before the Spaniards gave us all a Charge to be gone 
to the next Seminars Houfe. This was grievous to 
us all, but more efpecially to my Wife, who could 
fiot raife her felf when down : But go we muft ; for 
though wc intreated hard for my Wife and Roherf 
Barrow^ we could not prevail that they might ftay 
till we could get a Canmo. As we were all going,' 
one Spaniard made a fign for me and my Wife to ftay, 
which we did, and it was to have a handful of 
parch'd Corn. As foon as we had received it, thejT 
bid us be gone to the next Sentinal's, wHcrc was Vi. 
(ftuals enough for us. The Sun was a geat height, 
but v»'e ^auU not feel any wgrmtb ii gave ; the North- 


TVefier beginning to blow as hard as it did the D^ 
before. And having deep Sand to travel through, 
which made our Travelling this one League very 
hard, efpecially to my Wife and Robert, The Sfa- 
niards lent my Wife a Blanket to be hh at the next 
Sentinal's Houfe. 

'At length we came to an Inlet of the Sea ^ on the 
other fide was the look-out and Sentinal's Houfe : Here 
were all our People fitting, waiting to be carried over, 
and in a little time came one of the Sentinals, with a 
Cannoo, and carried us over. 

This Sentinal would not fufFer us to come into his 
Houfe, but caufed us to kindle a Fire under the Lee of 
his Houfe, and there fit down : About half an hour 
after, he bid us be gone to the next Sentinal's, which 
was a League further, giving us a Cup of Cajfeenay 
and tvvo Quarts of Indian-Corn for us all, bidding us 
go to our Company at next Houfe, and get our Corn 
dreffed there. 

I underftood that our iVi?gro- Woman, Hagar, got hi- 
ther late laft Night, having her Child dead at her Back, 
which the Spaniards buried. 

One of the Spaniards went with us to the next In- 
let^ carrying a ftick of Fire, to fet fire of fome Trafh, 
to make a fignal for them on the other fide, to fetch 
ys over, the Inlet being very wide. When the C^w- 
^00 came over for us, qur Guide took the Blanket 
from my Wife ; but the Negro^ which brought over 
the Camoo, lent my Wife one of his Coats, lo we got 
over J but before we got to the Houfe, we had a Show- 
er of Hail. At this Houfe we were kindly received, 
having fuch a Mefs of Vifliuals, as we had not had in a 
long time before, which was very pleafant to our Hun- 
ger-ftarv'd Stomachs, Our People went hence this 
Morning for Augufteen^ having a Guide with them j 
but John Hopr and Vemkfi were kft heircj not being 

^bk to travel. We remained here till the Morrdw, 
but the Night was fo extream Cold, that we could not 

Tie i^th of the ^th Month '^ the ifl oftheWeeh. 
This morning the Spaniards bid us prepare to travel, 
for they were not able to maintain us. We under- 
ilood that it was five or ^u. Miles to Augufteen^ and we 
could not travel fo far, being ajl of us lamed and ftifF. 
We intreated them to let us go in a Cannoo^ but they 
denied us 5 we intreated for the two Women and Ro- 
bert Barrow ^ at length we prevailed, that they fhould 
go up in a Camoo ^ for the Cannoo was to go, whether 
we went or no. 

While all this Difcourfe was, came in a couple of 
Spaniards^ one being the Sentinal that went with our 
People the day before, the other was a Perfon the 
Governour had fent, with a Camoo and four Spaniards^ 
to fetch us. This was chearful News ; for had wc 
gone to have travelled without a Guide, we fhould 
have peri/hed. The Man that came for us, brought 
two Blankets, one for my Wife^ the other for Venekpe 1 
he defired us to be going. About a League diftance 
from the place, he left the Cannoo^ which we parted 
with very unwillingly ^ for fome of our People, had 
they had a Mile further to have gone, could not have 
gone it. The Wind ftill continued at North/fVeft^ and 
blowed very fiercely, and extream Cold it was : We 
had fuch a continual Shivering, and Pain in our Bones, 
that we were in violent Anguifh. 

Our poor Child was quiet, but fo black with Cold, 
and Shaking, that it was admirable how it lived. Wc 
got to Augufieen about two hours before Night j being 
put on Shoar, we were directed to the Governour's 
Houfe : Being got thither, wc were had up a pair of 
Stairs, at the head whereof ftood the Governour, who 
0r4cred ray Wife to be conduced to his Wife's Apparr« 
"■ ' ' ^ ■ ■ - -- . inenr> 

jBicnt. I and Jofeph Smith went into a Room, xvficre 
fhe Governour a^ked us a few Queftions j but feeing 
how extream Cold we were, he gave us a Cup of 
Spamjh'PVimy and fent us into his Kitchen to warm 
our felves at the Fire. About half an hour afterwards 
the Governour fent for John Smith and Me, and gave 
us a Shirt and Sliders, a Hat, and a pair of Silk- 
Stockins ; telling us, He had no Woollen Clothes as yct^ 
but would have fomc made. We put on the Linnen, 
and made all hafte into the Kitchen to the Fire. Roherf 
Marrow was quartered at another Houfe. The Perfons 
came to the Governour's Houfe, and took fuch as they 
were minded to Quarter m tbeir Houfes ; fo that Jo^ 
fiph KirUy John Smithy I, my Wife and Child, lodged 
at the Governour's Houfe. All our People that came 
5jp with Jofefh Kirky came to fee us. We perceived 
che People's great kindnefsj for they were all well 
Glothed from Head to Foot, with the beft the People 
had. Jofefh Kirk began to tell us of his Travel after 
he left us on the Bay, and how that they all con- 
cluded, That they fhould never fee my Wife and 
Child, and Rohert Bar-^ow any more, if they did my 
Kinfman and Me, Richard Limpem^ and ihofe that 
went with him, had a hard Travel for Thirty Hx hours 
without ceafing ; in which Travel, three of our Ne^ 
groes^ that went with them, were loft (viz. Jack^ Cafar 
and Quenza) by fitting down to reft themfelves, they 
were in a little time lo nummed that they could not 
go, and there periflicd ^ fo that we loft five in that 
Day's Travel, and began to doubt, that Negro Ben 
pcrifhed alfo. Jofeph Kirle faid. That he thought he 
ftould have loft fome of our People, in their Travel 
from the laft SentinaPs hither j for they were much 
tyred, aiid the Cold violent, and the latter part of that 
pay's Journey, they wading for many Miles through 
muqh Water, acid deep S^n4-Hills, ^ when Jhey came 



in fight of Augufleen^ they ftayed for Boats to fetch 
them 5 in v^hich time fomc were nummcd With the 
Cold. Jofefb Kirk apply *d himfelf to the Governour 
on our behalfs, to fend us help, for he doubted whe- 
ther we were all living 5 the Governour readily aflent- 
ed, and forthwith fent for a Perfon fix for his purpofe, 
charging him to get a Terre-Augoe and Mand, and go 
forthwith and fetch us; but the Tide fell out, fo that 
h« could not go till Mid-night : The Governour was 
fo concerned, that he would not go to Bed till they 
were gone j when the Tide fervcd, he went to the 
Water-fide* and faw the Men Put off, giving them a 
ftria Charge. 

Solomon CreJJon began to tell us of his Travels from 
jece^ having mod part of the way much Rain : The 
Indians were very kind unto him, until they came to 
the Indian Town where the Dutch-Men were killed; 
at which place, fomc of thofe Indians made* a difco- 
vcry of him to be no Spaniard ; they faid nothing to 
him thereof, but were very dogged to him, giving 
him no Food, and caufing him to lie on the Ground 
ambngft Vermine. On the Morrow he was to go 
with his former Company, who were grown fo cx« 
trcamly bitter and envious to him, that when they 
did but look upon him, they were ready to fmite him 3 
having gone until about mid-day, pafling an Inlet, the 
Weather being extream bad, with Wind, Rain, and 
much Cold, they put on Shoar, ( this was the place 
where we put on Shoar, and got Water-Soldiers^ and 
flayed for the Spaniard^ when he went back to look for 
our People, that were to follow us in a Cannoo) but the 
Rage of ihefe Bloody People was fuch, that he expected 
to dye; being on Shoar, they readily kindled a Fire, 
about which time he heard a noife of a Boat and Oars, 
and prefently the Spanilh Terre-Augoe put on Shoar upon 
them : The Indians were extraordinarily forprized, and 


( 68 ) 

flood amazed ; but Solomon was glad to fee thern, ah3 
they him. The Sfaniards took the old Caffekeys Cheftj 
and whatever he had, from him, commanding them 
to return to the J»<s/;Vj;« Towns from whence they came. 
Staying all Night, the next Morning the Sfaniards fent 
Solomon under the Condu6l of tWo Indians^ belonging 
to ihefe Towns, who were commanded by the Sfani-^ 
ards ro carry Solomon unto the SentinaFs Houfe^ but 
thefe two Inelam carried him a little beyond the place 
where we put on Shoar, to Travel, and they fcem'd 
as though they had Mifchief in their Hearts againft 
him : He asked. If they would go forward P But they* 
looking untowardly on him, anfwered him not : So 
he went himfeifj and was glad when he faw they did 
iiot follow him. 

But we were defirous to know how the Sfaniards had 
knowledge of us, which it feems was thus : 

When we got to Jece^ where Smith and his Com^ 

pany were, and we going under the Denomination of 

Sfaniards^ and the other EngUflj^ the report of us run 

from Indian-Town to W//Jw-Town, to the Northward, 

unto the Northernmoft Town j at which Town were 

two or more Indians that were Converted to the Romijh 

Faith : Thefe, or one of thefe, went to the next Spanijij 

Seminars, and gave an Account, That he heard that 

there were two Veflels Caft away to the Southward of 

Jecey one being a Sfaniardj the other an Englijh Veffclj 

the Spaniards having two Veflels gone for the Havana^ 

to feek for fupplies, feared it was thofe Veflek And 

the fame day as this News came to the Governour of 

Atigfifteen^ came alfo NeWs, of one of their Fryars be- 

' ihg murder'd by fome of the Cafe-Indians, After this 

manner we underftood it, fz%,. Three Fry^trx being un* 

der a Vow to go amongft the Indians on the Cafe^ to 

Convert them ; they went to a certain Town to the 

Northward, off where we were CaS away^ but it lay 

Within the Sound. The Cajfekty of this Town they 
gained on to Embrace the Roman Faith, but all his 
People were much incenfed againft the Byars, and 
therefore would have their Cajjekey Renounce his Faitb^ 
and put the Fryars to Death ; but he would alfent to 
neither j therefore they killed him and one Fryar^ the 
other two efcaped. Hereupon was a Verre-Augoe forth* 
with fent for us, of what Natiou foever we might be> 
alfo a party of Spaniards and Indians were fent againft 
that Town where the Fryar was killed. We had a plen^ 
liful Supper, and we fed like People that had been half 
ftaived j for we eat, not knowing when we had enough j 
and we found our Palats fo changed by eating of Ber- 
ries, that we could not reli/h the tafte of Salt no more 
than if it had no Salrnefs in it. We had lodging pro^ 
vided, but few Beds. 

The i6th of the ^th Month -^ the id of the Week, 
This Morning we had Ice half an Inch thick, and it 
had been fo for fome Mornings paft, but as the Sun 
rifeth it's gone. 

The Governour came in this Morning to our Apart- 
ment, inquiring how we did •, we having had Choco^ 
lat for Breakfaft, he asked. If we would have any thing 
elfe that his Houfe could afford, if we would but askj, 
it fhould be brought us ? But we modeftly anfwered, 
That this was fufficient -, although our Appetites were 
not to be fatisfied. The Governour dated the Poverty 
of the Country unto us. The place is a Garifon, main- 
tain'd one half by the King of Spain^ the other half 
by the Church of Rome, The Male Inhabitants are all 
Soldiers, every one receiving Pay according to their 
Poft. A Sentinal's Pay is 150 Pieces of Eight a Year 9 
and all their fupply of Bread, Clothing and Money, 
comes from the Havana and Vorto Vella \ and it is a 
going on of three Years fmce they have had a Veflel 
' from any place whatfoever, which makes their Wants 


^eiy great I all things being expended,' except Arfi- 
inunition and Salt, of which they faid they had enough* 
The Governour offered us the freedom of what his 
Houfc afforded^ withal, gave us a Charge, to be careful 
in going abroad, cfpecially of fome Perfons that did not 
affeS our Nation : We promifcd to be ruled, and fub- 
mit to the Governour's Pleafure for our Liberty. Our 
People came in, and we^told them the Caution j bue 
they faid. They had been all over the Town, and iq 
many Houfes, where they were kindly received, and 
iuch as the People had, they would give theip. They 
told us of fpme Engliflj that liv'd here, and they had 
been at their Houfes, the chiefeft in efteenir was one 
William Carr of the IJle of E/y, who about thirty Years 
ago, was in a VcfTel bound for South-Carolina^ but mif- 
iing' their Port, were caft away nigh this Port ^ many 
were drowned, but he and fomc others were brought 
hither by the Indians j fome of tliem got away in S^a^ 
nijf) VeflcJs, Others died her^. This Man turned Roman 
Catholicky and Married a Spanijh Wbman^ of whom he 
had Seven Children, and is an Officer in the Garifon^ 
he was chief Interpreter. 

This day came Jofefh kirk\ Negro Ben^ he gate us 
this Account, That after we had fent him back, he ha- 
ving look'd, and not finding my Kinfman, he went ta 
feek for a place to llielter himfelf from the Cold, and 
fome place he found to creep in, where he lay down^ 
and continued there all Night, but by Morning was 
fo ftiff with Cold that he could not ufe his Leg$, but 
hailed himfeff towards the Bay. The Sfaniards^ our 
Guide from the firft Sentry-Houfe, the Morning after 
we went thence, returned along the Bay, to fee if any 
of our People were living ; but he found all dead, ex- 
cept Negro 5^7? 3 and he getting a Fire made, Negro\6r» 
was recovered, and got the ufe of his Limbs. 

C7t ) 

; WilUatn Carr^ the Iilterpretery aGquaintcd us, That 
the Goverrtour^ and two Royal Officers, wpuld examine 
us, concerning our. being call away, and what Gcods 
and Moneys was lolt in our Veflel, and concerning 
otv Hardfhips amongft the Florida- Indians^ (Sec, VVIlicR. 
was done, and every one did %n it. , This, took, dp 
two or three Days time to compleat it. After this 
was done, the Governoiir told us, That he expdifled 
Captain Sshaftian Lopas in fome few Days ^ and aftef his 
Arrival, he would provide for our gomg to Carclui^l 
'with Cannposj and Men to guard u$. ^ ^ . ,.,.;,;.., ^ ^ 
This Week my Wife was taken with a fevfer snd 
Ague, which held her three Days, ^nd then left hen 
The Governour order'd hjs own Ddftor to admmifler 
fuch things as were helpfal.. The Govefrlbiif's kind- 
nefs to us all was extraordinary ; f6r he would daily 
enquire of us, if we wanted any thing which he had ; 
of which he gave us an account j and we eat no wdrHi 
than he did daily. . ^ ...-^ . 

The Town we law, from one end tc the" otiier ;' it 
is about three quarters of a Mile hi length, not r^gti" 
larly Built, the Houfes not V^ery thick ^ they Having 
large Orchards, in which are plenty of Oran&eSj Lem^ 
moHs^ Porne-Citrons^ Lymes^ Figgs and Peaches : The- 
Houfes, molt of them, old Building^ and not half cf 
them Inhabited. The number of Men being about 
Three Hundred, that belong to th6 Governifierit -, and 
many of them are kept as Sentinals at their Look-out^o 
At the North-end of tJie Town flaildetk' a large For- 
tification, being 3. Qu^adrangle ^fikliB^ifiiohs'j each Ba-- 
fiion will contain thirteen Ciim ^ but there iVas hot 
-paft Two thirds of Fifty two mbitntedo In the Cuj>. 
tin they (panno> mount any Guns, being only for frfijfl! 
Arms. , The Wall of the Fortiflcatiom is about thirty 
Foot high, built of law'd Stone, fuch as they get otic 
of chc Sand, between^ the Sea and the Sbund. This 
Stone is only Sand an^ fraali shells cdnriexed togethtiv 


being not very hard, till expofed to the Sun. The Fort 
is moated round \ they would not admit us to come 
near the Fort ^ but "jofe^h ICvrk took an opportunity, 
and walked round about it. 

The l^d of the ^th Aionth'^ the id of the Week, 
This Day Jofefh Kirle and I, confidering that the 
latter end of this Week was talked of, for our fetting 
forward towards Carolina (which the Spaniards call 
St. George's) We concluded to endeavour to provide 
our felves, if we could, with Clothing ^ confidering 
we lliould be expofed to all the Weather that might 
happen, and have no fhelter but what we carry with 
us : Therefore we were inclined to fell, he his, and I 
one or two of my Negroes^ to provide us Clothing and 
Provilions. We addrefled our felves to the Govemour^ 
and withal offered him. If he pleafed to accept the 
choice of my Negroes ^ but he denied our Offer. We 
ftatcd our Matter to him, and asked. If we might dif- 
pofe of our Negroes ? He faid. No, we (hould not ^ 
neither could we fell them to any Perfon but himfelf, 
for the King's Account, without a fpecial Licenfe : 
Therefore he would confult the two Royal Officers, 
and give us his anfvver. 

The li^th of the 9th Momh ; the 3^ of the Week, 

This Day the Governour fent for us, and told us, 

That he would give us credit for what we, and the reft 

of the Company, would. I told him. That my Wife 

and Child would want fome warmer Clothing \ alfo 

"^ofefh Kirle and m.y felf fhould want fome, if to be 

had. He ordered us to give in an account of what we 

fhould want v and, if to be had, we fhould have it : 

. And Jofeph Kirle and I fhould give our Obligation, to 

pay the Governour of Carolina what the Sum amounted 

unto •, which we were willing to do. But we defired 

that our People fhould give us their Obligation, for 

what we were engaged for, on their account, which 

the Governour thought reafonable. I gave in an ac- 

" . " count 

fcoiint of particulars, for Jofefb Kirky Roheri Barrmi 
my Self and Family : Alfo the quantity of Indian-Corni 
Vtafe^ ftringed Btef, Salt and Earthen Vopy for the whole 
Company : But Clothing was not. to be had^ except as 
much Stuff as made a Suit for my Wife and Cbild,, ahd 
a few Skin5 Jofefh Kirk and I got : I got alfo fcveti 
Blankets, tho* the price was great. Thefe feryed j^o=? 
fefb Kirky kohrt Barrow^ rriy Self and Family. We had 
five Roves of Jmrnuhitm-Bready fo full of Wcavel^.thac 
Corn was far better j twenty Roves of ftrung ^««f I 
lixty Roves of InMan-Corn ^ ten Roves ofFeafe ^ one 
Rove of Salt j Jars for IVater^ and Eartbett-Fcts to boyl 
our Fiduafs in. . ,,. , 

tbf i^tb of the ^tb Monib , tbe /^tb ofthtW'eeti. 
• The Gdvernourfent for JofepbkirU and Me, tocef^ 
tifie, That ail that was to be got, tje had got for iii^ 
And he fufther (igniiicd unto us. That he did expedl 
Schafilan Lopa^ before this time 5 arid he would h6t 
have us to go till he cinie, foi: whatfoever ht Coltlcl 
get of bur Money and Goods we fliould have it every 
Doit : But we faid, We delired rioj to be detained oti 
that account ^ for t^e had given that already over for 
gone from us : Andaisit had pleafed God to make therri 
the Inftruments of our Prefefvatiori, fo iJve did fr^eljf 
give any thing of that vi^hich was, Or thay be deeilicd 
burs, to the Governour, and thofe Perfons ifiat were? 
fent for us. The Governbur faid, He would not have 
any thing to do with it ; for whatever he did^ Was for 
Charity-fake. Then we defired the Spldiers fhoulq 
have it, if any fhouid be got, which We doubted. And 
hereupon we confidered, That fhouid thofe poof Med 
get nothing, we ought to allow thefti fomething iri 
general: Therefore Jofeph Kirk and ! offered the 
Governour, That we ivou Id give Captain Sehafiiafi Lo^ 
fasy and his Men^ an Hundred Fiecei of Eighty for 
' bringing us up irom amongft the Indians, The Go- 

_ ( 74 > 

vcrnoul' was pleafed with our GiFer, and faid, They 
fhould have ic. 

About this time, Robert Barrow was taken with a 
grievous BelJy-ach -, after which, he fell into a violent 
Flux. Several of our People alfo were taken with the 
Belly-ach, and a great Scouring ; all which was chiefly 
occafioned by our unreafonable Eating, and not Go- 
verning our felves therein. Our chief Dyet was Horn- 
mony^ Herbs and Pompions, having not much Meat : 
Which mean Dyet was our Prefervation ; for had it 
been all Flelh, we fhould have deftroyed our felves : 
But we had the beft the place afforded. 

The zCth of the ^tb Month % the ph of the Week, 

This Day we figned our Obligation, for Four Hun- 
dred Tkces of Eight \ and we were to be gone the 
: 28th or 19th Inftant : After which, our People figned 
theii' Obligation to us, to pay their Proportion of 
what was provided for them in Provifions j and their 
part of what fhould be paid for their Palfage, from 
the Indians to Carolina : Whereupon we made the beft 
Provifion we could. I had got fome Wine and Bran- 
dy for my Self and Family, and fome fmall Necef- 
faries for our Child, with a great Refolution to go 

The zt)tb of the ^th Month ^ the ifi of the Week, 

This Day, after we had dined, Cannoos being got 
ready, one Captain Francifco de Roma^ with fix Soldiers, 
was to go our Conduct ^ the Governour walked down 
tofeeusEmbarque; and taking our Farewell^ he Em- 
braced fome of us, and wifhed us well, faying, WE 
NOT FORGET HIM. Thus in a courteous man- 
ner we parted J which was about two or three a 
Clock in th« Afternoon: Taking our departure from 


'Augufieenl we had about two or three Leagues to an 
Indian-To-wn^ called St, a Cruce \ where, being landed, 
we were directed to the Indian Ware-Houfe : It is built 
round, having fixteen Squares ; on each Square is a 
Cabin built, and painted, which will hold two Peo- 
ple i the Houfe being about fifty Foot Diameter ; In 
the middle of the top is a Square openings about fif- 
teen Foot. This Houfe was very clean, and Fires 
being ready made nigh our Cabins, the Sfanijh 
Captain made choice of Cabins for him and his 
Soldiers, and appointed us our Cabins. In this Town 
they have a Fryar^ and a large Houfe to Worlhip in, 
with three Bells j and the Indians go as conflantly to 
their Devotions, at all times and ieafons, as any of 
the Sfaniards. Night being come, and the time of 
their Devotion over, the Frjar came in, and many 
of the Indians^ both Men and Women, having a 
Dance, according to their Way and Cuftom. We 
had plenty of C^ffiena-Drink, and fuch Vi6tuals as the 
Indians had provided'^ ft)r us j fome bringing Corn 
boiled, another Pcafe'j fomc one thing, fome ano- 
therj ofallMvhich we made a good Supper, andflept 
till Morning. 

The ^otb ofthe^th Month \ the zdoftheWeek^ 
This Morning early, we left this Town, having 
about two Leagues to go with the Cannm; then we 
were to travel by Land : But a Cart was provided to 
carry our Provifions and NecelTaries ; in which Cart, 
ihofe that could not travel were carried. We had 
^bout five Leagues to a Sentinel's Houfe, where we lay 
^\l Night 9 and next Morning travelled along the Sea- 
ihoar, about four Leagues to an Inlet ; Here v/e wait- 
ed for Cannoos to come for us, to carry us abour two 
Miles, to a Town, called St. Wans^ an IndianTown^ be- 
ing on an Ifland. We went through a Kirt of Wood 
into the Indian Plantations, for a Mile. In the ^liddje 


(of this Ifland fs the Town of St, Wans^ a large Town, 
ancj many Pieoplc : Tlrey have a Fryar^ and a IVorJhifpingr 
Jfotife. The People are very Induftrious, having plenty 
pf Hogs and Fowls, and large Crops of Corn, as we 
could tell by their Corn-Hoiifcs. Thp Indians brought 
ps yiif^uals, as at the lafl Town, and we lay in their 
Ware-Hpufe, which was larger than that at the other 

Th^ id of the loth Month ^ the ^th of the Weeh 
This Morning the /;/^/^;7j brought us Vidua;}s for 
Breakfafl, and the Fryar gave my Wife fome Loaves of 
Sre^d, made of /w^«-Corn, which was ibmewhat ex- 
traordinary ; alfb a parcel of Fowls. 
' About ten a Clock in the forenoon we left St. Wms^ 
walking about a Mile to the Sound, where were Gi«;70(7i 
#nd Indians^ ready tp tranfport us to the next Town : 
|V^ did believe that we might have come all the way 
along the Sound, but the Spaniards were riot willing to 
i|iicoverthe place unto us. ■ 

' ' An hour before Sun-fet we got to the Town, cair4 
(^. Aiary\ : This is a Froutier^ " md a Garifon Town 4 
the Inhabitants are Indians^ mtk fome 5jp^«*jf?; Soldiers. 
\/V'e were conduced to the Ware-Houfe^ as the cuHom 
IS, for every Town liath a Ware-Houfe : Or, as wc 
im4erfl:ood, thefe Hoi^s were for their times of Mirth 
and Dancing, and to lodge and entertain Straiigers: 
This Poufe is about 8 1 Foot Diameter, built Round^ 
wJth 32 Sqiiai'cs, in each Square 'a Cabin about 8 Foot 
longj of a good height, being Paiqted and well Mat- 
ted, • The Centre of this Building is a Quadrangle of 
20 Foot, being open at top of the Houfe, againft which 
the Hdufe is Built ^ thus, in this Quadrangle is the 
place they Dance, • having a great" Fire in the middle : 
On^ of the Squares of this Biiiiding is the Gate-Way 
br PaHage in.' Th^ Women, Natives of theft Towns, 
cloaA' ihemfeives with the Moil of Trees, making 
GiMu^ mi petticoats thereof^ V^hich, at a di|laflce, 
■ --i . ., - '■ . ■ ' -• ■ . ■' ■■ ■ ■ ' or 

( 77 ) 

or in the Night, looks very neat. The IndiAn Boy% 
wc faw, were kept to School in the Church, thc- 
Fryar being their SchooWVIa Her. This is the laigeft 
Town of all. About a Mile from this, is another 
Town, call'd St. Thilif<>, At this Town of St. Mnrfs^ 
were we to flay till the 5th or 6th Inftant ^ where 
alfo, we were to receive our fixty Roves of Corn, 
and ten Roves of Peafe^ while we flayed, we had one 
half of our Corn beaten into Meal by the Indians ^ the 
other we kept whole, not knowing what Weather we 
fhould have 5 for the Fryar of this Town, fome Years 
pafl, was at Charles-To^n^ in SoHth-CaroUna^ and he had 
a Month's Paflage in going, about this time of the 
Year : This News was very unpleafant, to think of 
lying out a Month at this Seafon, having been fo Wea- 
ther-beaten before-, but we endeavoured to fhun 
looking back, confidering how great our Frefervation 
had been hitlierto. 

While we flayed here, we were willing to make all 
the Provifion we could, for Back and Belly :• We got of 
the Indians^ plenty of Garlkk and long Pepper^ to fealbn 
our Corn and Peafe, both which were griping and win- 
dy : And we made us Wooden Trays, and Spoons to 
cat with: We got Rufhes, and made a fort of a plat- 
ted Rope thereof^ the ufe we chiefly intended it for^ 
was to be ferviceable to help us in Building Huts, or 
Tents with, at fuch times as we Ihould meet with hard 

The time drawing on, that we were to leave this 
Town, wehad feven large Gi;z;zoo; provided to carry us, 
being in all about lixty Perfons •, eighteen of us, fix of 
Smith's Company^ fcvm Spaniards^ and thirty odd Indian s^ 
which were to Row the Cannoos^ and be our Pilots. We 
had fbme Indians from all the Towns, and two Cajfekeys, 

Wc underftood that the Giro/m^-Indians, called the 
Tammafees, which are related to thefe Indians^ were here 

abou; a Month fiiice, Trading for Dm-Skins, 

-'■-- -;•" -^ .^ -- p 4 J 

( 7^ ) 

J have omitted a confiderable PalTage that happened 
In Atigtificen : The Woman, named Venelo^e^ being big 
With Chi'd, by the Spaniards Perfvvafion, flayed with 
them j aifo Jofeph Kirlcs Boy, named John Hillard^ was 
Retained by [he Spaniards. Jofeph Kirk ftrove hard with 
^hc Governour, that he might have his Boy j but the 
lad was conveyed out of Town, and not to be found. 
The Governour promifed, that he would fend him af- 
ter him, if pofTible j but the Boy came not to us, and 
we were to depart hence on the Morrow. ' 

The ^th of the loth Month ; the iji of tfpe Week. 

This Morning we Embarqued, and departed this 
plage, and put into the Town St. Phillips^ where the 
Spanijl) Captain invited us on Shoar, to drink Cajjeetja, 
whjch we did : The Spaniards having left fomething 
JDebind y we ftayed here about an hour, and then kt 
forward. About two or three Leagues hence, we 
i^ame" in (ight of an Indian Town, calkd Sappataw y 
but we went about a League to the Northward of it, 
ro a Sencinafs Houfe, where we put our Boats on 
Shoar, and had Cajjeena brought us, making no ftay» 
we went hence, rowing till next Morning, in the 
Night we had loft our way, but got to rights in a 
iittle drtie. . 

' ' Thejthofthe loth Month '^ the id of the We^h 

Thil Morning isve put on Shoar, having paft an In- 
kt of the Sea , and here we dreft fome Victuals, and 
got a httle Sieep, until the Tide ferved. Some of our 
hi^lani went out a hunting for Deer and Hogs, Y)f 
hdi^ v^hich) the Spaniards faid, there was plenty -y and 
when the Tide ferved, we were to go to the Northerri- 
fiioft end of this liland, and ftay for the Hunters. One 
of the Indians hxoVight a* Deer, which he throwed 
«io\yn amongft the other Indians-^ and he went out 
sggin- io Hent, to the North end of the Illand, whcrd 
^^%.' wsre to- RendcEVoufc for this Nighr. We lee 
vvv.- n.;. ' ^■^' ^ s-^^-^^-y •>/ •- '-• forward 


forward about ten a Clock, and got to the place 
appointed an hour or two before Sun-fct, it being 
a fine lofty Wood ; we imployed our felves jn getting 
Fire-wood for the Nighr, and Mofs to lie on, of 
both which we got plenty, having a large Oak to lie 

\ The Indians brought in feveral Hogs and Deer, of 
which we had parr, fo that we fared richly ; having a 
pleafant Night's repofe, we got up to be gone about 
an hour before Day. 

The Stb of the l oth Month \ the ^d of the Week. 

This day, having rowed from the laft place, until 
two hours before Sun-fet, we got on Shoar, at a place 
where had been an Zw^/<?w Settlement, it being on a 
high Bank, from whence we had a profpe6t of the 
Sound. Here we imployed our felves to go and 
fetch Buflies, to make Shelter againft the Wind and 
Dews of the Night, and in cutting of dry Grafs to lie 
on, and getting of Wood, which was a confiderable 
diftanCe*, but we refolved to have it, if Labour would 
purchafe it. Thofe that were not ijnployed in thcfe 
Services, were providing of Water and Victuals, for we 
had always enough to do. We had a pleafant Night, 
and relied well. 

The ^tb of the loth Month y the ^h of the Week. 

This Morning, about Sun-rifing, we faw a Canmo of 
Carolina-Indians^ a going to the Southward a Hunting; 
they kept the Weftern fide of the Sound, being fearfal 
of us^ we had a Cannoo, manned with Indians and Spa^ 
niardsy to go after them, to fpeak to them, being defi- 
rous to get them to carry Letters to inform of our com- 
ing, not knowing but we might Alarm the Out-Settle- 
tn^m^oi Carolina. 

This Caniioo of ours purfued the other, but the Caro^ 

Una Indians put On Shoar, ran into a Marfli, and Fired 

at our People ^ the Sfamjl-lvdidns^ Who could fpeak the 

''' V ' Tammaw's 


Tarfimav?\ Language, called unto them, and told them 
their bufinefs •, withal, increating rhem to come unto 
them j but they anfwercd, That they were going ^ 
Hunting for the Seafon, therefore defired them to be 
gone, for they would not come near them : Thus our 
People returned unto us. The Carolina-Indians went 
their way, and we prepared to go forward. We having 
the Caffekey of St. Wans with us, fent him away laft 
Night, to fee if he could meet any of the Tammawfee^ 
Indians of Carolina, he being acquained with, and re- 
lated to them y but this Camoo paffed him. We fet 
forward, and rowed all the Day, till about an hour 
before Sun-fet, and then we put on Shoar at an Indian 
Field, which was overgrown with Sedge, it being low 
wet Land ^ here we made our accuftomed Provifion for 
Lodging, lying this Night in a Wood ; having drefled 
Victuals for this time, and to Morrow ^ and having 
ydded well this Night j about Day- break, or fooner, we 
left this place. 

Tbeicth of the i oth Month -j the $th of the Week. 
This Day, about ten' a Clock, we crofs'd an Inlet, 
bat the Tide being againft us, we put on Shoar at an 
old Indian Field. At this place, under the /helter of 
fome Trees, was the Cajfekey of St. Wans 5 here we 
liayed; and drank fome GaJJeena: There was abundance 
pf Rabbits, but We made no ftay. Not pafling two 
hours, the Caffekey was fent before to make difcovery, 
and we followed, rowing until an hour before Sun- 
let ; by which time we got the place, called St. Ca^ 
talena, where hath been a great Settlement of Indians, 
for the Land hath been cleared for Planting, for fome 
Miles diftant. Here alfo we met the CaJJekey y ^Ko a 
Cannoo of Carolina Indians, being a Man, his Wife an 4 
Children, having his Dogs^ and other Hunting ImfUmentSy 
for to lie out this Winter Seafon. The 5p<ji»i/fc Captain, 

l^ his Interpreter, difcgwrfcd him abQUC carrying our 

' ' LctC€r?5 


Letters, which he readily affented unto ; whercupott 
the Sfanifl} Caftain fet himfelf to writing to the Gover- 
nour of Carolina, 

We had a large Field to lie in, and no manner of 
Shelter but what was a Mile diftant or more ^ but wc 
fpared not pains, but fome fell to cutting of Boughs, 
and Brufli, at ihac great diftance, fome to carrying it 
to the place, fome to get Fire- wood, fo that by Night 
we had a brave Shelter. 

' The Sfanifl} Caftain fent for me, to write to the Go^ 
vemour of Carolina^ which I did •, I writ alfo to a Per* 
ifon of my Acquaintance there. The Letters being finiih^ 
ed, and Night coming on, I delivered my Letters to 
the Captain, and returned to my Company, By this 
time they had compleatcd our Booth, which we though; 
was fufficient, if no Rain fcH. We provided our Vi^tuab 
for our Supper, and for our next Day's Travel j as alfo 
fome dry Grafs to lie on, in hopes of reftjng well th« 
Night. At)0Ut ten at Night, the Carolina Indkns went: 
^ith our Letters for Carolina. 

The 1 ith of the T oth Month | the jih of the Week, 
This Morning, about two hours before Day, we had 
a Guft of Wind at the North-We^ \ zni the Sky wat 
bvercaft, and look'd as tho* we mould have abundance 
of Rain : In a little time the Rain fell, againft which wfe 
had no Shelter, but our Blankets j the Rain held until 
break of Day, at which time began iht North-Wefi Win4 
to blow violent hard andxold. Our Shelter vvas fronts 
ing the NmhWdfi \ and we fell to work, to fhift our 
Booth, and to getting more Boughs, Bruft and Grafs $ 
the Grafs was to fill and keep up a Bank of Earth, which 
we raifed, about three or four Foot high, to break the 
Wind from us ; all this Day were we employed in 
enlarging our Booth, and getting of Wood for Firing* 
The North'fVefi blew extream hard 9 and this Night was 
bard, getting but little reft, the Cold pinching us. 

( ?o 

7l5tf nth of the lotb Monthy ; the jth of the Week, 
This Day the Wind continued without ceafing. We 
began to mend what the Fire had put out of order by 
Night, and heav'd up more Earth on our Booth, and 
made feme inlargement ^ for we were not negligent 
by Day to provide for the Night,which pinch'd us with 
cold, efpecially aged Robert BarroWy who having a vio- 
lent Flux, that had held him from Augufteen hither, and 
by the violent Cold being grown on him, fo that he 
could not govern his Weaknefs, nor get Natural Reft ; 
he was excreamly racked with the Cold, that in this 
jundture of Hardfhip we could get no warmth in him; 
but he was contented with our mean helpjaltjio* he re- 
ceived little benefit by if. This day, at times, we went 
out to get Wood, having a long way to go in an open 
Field, and the cold almoft numbing us, by that time 
we could get to the Booth. This Evening the Wind 
was fomewhat abated, and we were in great hopes it 
was over, but it blowed fiercely the latter part of the 


Jhe iphof the i oth Month \ the ifi of the Week. 

This Morning the Wind was fomething abated, and 
|be Sun gave forth a little warmth. Jofefh Kirle bor- 
rowed a Gun, Powder and Shot, of the Spanlardsy and 
went to kill fome wild Geefe, or what other Game he 
might come up withj but he had no fuccefs, coming 
home without any Game; and we were well content 
with a Dinner of Indian Com and Jhung Beef. The 
Spam(h Indians hunted all thefe three Days, and kill'd 
feveral Deer, but they eat them as faft as they kill'd 
them, having little or no other Provifion, their Corn 
being fpent. . 

The latter part of this Day, the Wind was very mo- 
derate, and we hoped to be going the next Morning, 
Whereupon we provided for the next Day's Travel. 



The i^hofthe lotb Month '^ the idofthePTeeL 
This Morning we Embarqued, and let forward, hi* 
ving fair Weather, the Wind down ; we rowed aJl day 
until three a Clock, being come to a great Inlet of the 
Sea ^ but the Weather Iook*d as though we fliould have 
Wind and Rain j and to crofs the Inlet would be dan^ 
gerous, it being about two Le^igues over, and little 
Wind making a rough Sea; So we put On Shoar, it 
being high Land, and lofty Woods, moftly Pim and 
Live Oaks. Here we made all the expedition we could 
to get Shelter againft the Weather. The Indians fa to 
work, to build themfclves little Huts ox Wigwams, which 
they had not done till now. They got Imall Palmetto^ 
Leaves^ and covered their Buildings, but ours were 
covered moftly with Boughs^ which would not keep 
out much -Rain. By Night we had a great deal of 
Rain and Wind. And it being the Evening of the 
Spaniards Chriftmas^ they ufed fome of their Ceremonies^ 
with tinkling on a piece of Iron, and Singing ; beg- 
ging for fomev;hat for the EXay following ^ they beg^ 
ged of the Indians^ and the Indians in like manner beg^ 
ged of the Spaniards \ and what the Indians gave the 
Spaniards^ that was returned to the Indians, 

^he 1 6th of the voth Month j the ^th of the WeeL 
This Morning was very foggy, and proved a Rainy 
Day ; but we kept rowing until two in the After- 
noon ^ the Rain being hard, and the Wind increafed 
at N. E, We put on Shoar*, but the Captain . told us, 
we fhould not Hay here long, he intended further 5 
and if the Weather permitted, would go all Night 5 
but the Weather was likelier to be woife than better, 
and we fat in the Rain until Night was come, then 
we entreated the Captain, that we might flay all Night, 
and that we might provide againft the Weather ^ but 
he pretended the Weather would break up, and he 
would be gone j but there was no likelihood of it. 



The Rain \Vas increafed, and we all wet and ftarv'd 
with Cold 'y at length, he aflented today. Then were 
\ve hard put to it (being Night) to provide Shelter j 
burin the darfedid we work, until we had made us 
a Shelter, that would keep the Rain from us. Having 
Fires, we put off our Wet Clothes, and dry*d them as 
well as we could. Towards Morning the Rain broke 


The I jth of the ibtb Month j the $th of the Week. 

This Morning, at Sun-rifing, we fet forward, and! 
fowed until Noon \ at which time we came to an 
Inler, and putaShoatj there we ft lyed all this After- 
noon, and dry'd our Blankets, and what was not dry'd 
laft Night j we alfo drelTed Vifitals. And as foon as 
it was dark, went hence^ defigning.to row all Night j 
but having an intricate Paffage amongft Mardies^ 
where were divers Creeks and Ways, that we rowed 
fometimes in a wrong one j then back again, and 
rowed in another : About Mid-night Our Vilots were 
at a lofs, not knowing which way to go, nor where 
to find any dry Land, that we might go on Shoar i 
But three of our Boats rowed until we found a dry 
Knap to get on Shoar, where we lay until day, ha- 
ving good Fires. As foon as it was lights we got oui* 
Boats> and went to look for the reft of our Com- 
pany, whom we found, having made their Cannoo 
faft to the Sedge^ and fitting therein until V^e came to 

The I ^th of the t otb Month i, the 6th of ihe Week 

The Night was extream Foggy, and fo was this 
Morning j but we fearched about, and found our Paf- 
fage, being a little Channel juft broad enough for our 
Boats to pafs, and a Mile in length. After wc paft 
this, we came into a great Sound, which went down 
into a large f nlet, that the Land could not be feen from 
fM one fide to the other ; Into the Sound comes down 

g greaf 

( 80 

a great River, called the Sahina-Rlver j which, when 
we got into the Coufcof it, the Water was frefli, tho* 
in this great Sound j the Sfaniards called it, the Cro//- 
Bar^ ox St. a Cruce, About Noon we got over this 
Sound J and here we rowed out to Sea for two Leagues, 
to get into another Sound : And about three a Clock, 
the Wind began to blow at Nortb-Eafij and it looked 
very black, fo that we feared a Storm. We defired to 
get on Shoar, to provide againft it y but the Captain . 
faid, About a few Leagues further we fhould get near 
Tort'Rojal : But in the interim, we faw a Canmo on the 
Shoar ; we made to her, and there we found fomc iTt-* 
Man Wtg-mants : Here we went on Shoar. This was a 
Cannoo^ laden with Skins, that belonged to Merchants ac 
Carolina^ having four Indians belonging to her j but 
three of them run away, fearing the Sfaniards^ and 
one ftayed. 

The Indian IVtgwams were in a bad Condition, not fit 
to keep out the Weather ; fo we fet to work to mend 
them : Here was plenty of Palmetto-Leaves, with which 
we covered them, and made Addition to them ^ but the 
Storm of Wind and Rain came violently before we could 
compleat our work, and held all Night ; yet wg lay 
indifferent dry, though the Storm was very great. 
The i^tb of the loth Month \ the jth oftbefVeek, 
This Morning the Storm of Wind continued at N, E. 
with Rain j we, being likely to ftay fome time here, in- 
larged our Wigwams^ fearing a North-^JVefier , which, 
about ten a Clock this Day, began to blow fiercely, with 
Snow, for fome hours : The Wind was fo violent, that 
we feared, left the tallP/we/ fhould be blown on us. 
We lent the Carolina-Indian out, to bring his three plates 
in, but they would not. The S^anifli Indians made great 
Complaint for Food ; we gave amongft them four Rove 
of Corn, being unwilling to fpare any more, not know- 
ing how long we ftiould be detained by the Weather? 


E6 ) 

Some of our People had almoft eaten up their Sliarei, 
and we expedted, fhould we be detained long, we muft 
fuppiy them with what we had to fpaie. 

^ The zoth of the lath Months the ifi of the Week. 
This day the Wind continued at N. E, and cxtrearti 
cold it was y but we, in our IVigwamsj were well enough 
beared from cold. About Noon our Marriners Wigwani 
got Fire, and was burn*d j their's was the Icewardmoft 
. of all ( for we had Eight Wigwams ) otherwife the 
whole had been in danger. We underftood, that we 
were not pafllng two or three days Journey from the 
Englifh Settlements ^ but the Spampj Indians told us that . 
it was more, till we were better informed by, this JW//rzr/ 
who belonged to that place. 

The 1 tfi of the loth Month '^ the id of the JVeek^ 
This Day early, we fet forward, and palTed Port'- 
Royal Sound, being fome Leagues over j and about 
two a Clock in the Afternoon we put on Shoar, the 
Tide being againft us: Here was a clofe Wood, where 
we lay indifferent well all Night. 

The zid of the loth Month 'y the ^d of the Week. . 
This Morning early, we fet forward, and rowed all 
Day, until one a Clock in the Afternoon j at which 
time we got to the firft Settlement in Carolina^ belong- 
ing to one Ricl^ard Bennet, who received us kindly^ and 
provided plentifully for us, of good Food, and good 
Drink; ihewing the Spaniards all kindnefs poiTibly he 
could, for our fakes, which the Spaniards did acknov/- 
ledge : We ftayed here all Night. ' 

The ijdof the t oth Month ^ the ^th of the Week. ! 

This Morning, having Eaten plentifully, and Drank 
alfo, we went hence^ in Company of fome of the In- 
habitants, about ten a Clock, and rowed until two 
hours within Night 9 having paffed by fcveral Plantati- 
ons, we put on Shoar, on a point of Land, to wait a Tide, 
having a Wood to (helccr in, and making good Fires, 


wc ftayed until Mid-night, at which time we went 
thence, and rowed until an hour or two before Day^ 
by which time we got to Governour Blake*s Houfe, 
Tie i^ih of the i oth Month , the ^th of the Week, 

This Morning when the Governour arofe, he fent 
for Jofefh Kirky John Smithy Andrew Murray^ and Mej 
making enquiry of us, concerning our PaiTage, ai^d on 
what account the Spaniards came with us. We ren« 
dred him an account of the Governour of Augufie€n\ 
Generofity towards us, and that he fent us freely, with- 
out any Demands^ except what v/e had freely Contra- 
6led : The Governour fent for the 6>^wi/fo Captain in,, 
and received the Letters that were fent from the Gover- 
nour of Augufteen \ alfo our Obligation^ Which the Go- 
vernour accepted. The Governour Hiewed a great deal 
of kindnefs to us, made inquiry into all our Conditions* 
Rohert Barrow he fent to his Neighbour, Margaret Bam^ 
mersy who, he faid, would be careful, and Nurfehims 
She was an Ancient Friend, about two Miles diftant§ 
To he ^tnt<)n Horfe-Back. The Governour clothed 
fojefh KlrUj John Smithy Andrew Murray^ Me, my Wife 
and Child 3 to the reft of our People, he gave each of 
them a Duffel Blanket, which would keep them warm 5 
and plenty of Victuals and Drink was provided : We 
obtained leave of the Governour, to permit the SfanU 
ards to go to Charles-Town with US, being willing to 
gratifie them, according to our Abilities. 

The i^thof the i oth Month ; the 6th of the Week, 

This Day, in the Afternoon, JofephKirkj John Smith, U 

my Wife and Child^ went to Margaret Bam?ners^ where Ro^ 

hert Barrow was j (laying all Night, till next Mornings 

when the Spaniards called for us, as they came by Water. 

The z6th of the i oth Month , the jth of the Week, 

This Morning we went hence, with the Spaniards^- 
for Charks-Towny where We arrived about anhour with- 
in Nighr- 

G The 


The Gcntlcmca of this Town appointed a publick 
Houfe, of good Credit, to entertain the Spaniards with 
Ivieat, and Drink, and Lodging y which was done to the 
Spaniards Admiration ; they flayed here eight days. We 
got our People together, and agreed joyntly, to give the 
Spaniards a Hundred Fieces df Eight, which Jofepb Kirle 
ind I divided amonglj them, according to their degrees| 
^e two adding to the Sui^. ' ' 

The ^thoftbe lUh Month % the zdofthe Week, 

Jofepb Kirle and I provided a fmall Prefent to lend 
Cp the Governour of Augufieeu^ and this day we went 
with the Spaniards to Governour Blake\ ftaying there 
one day --, the Governour treated the Spaniards^ and haf-^ 
ving compleated his Letters, gave the Spanifij Captain a 
confiderabje Prefent, and fent him homewards, order- 
ing them to call on the Tammafee-Indians ^ where they 
I2iight have as much Wi^»-Cbrn as they pleafed, to car-' 
ry home with them 9 the Towns of thek Indians hdng 
about two Or three days rowing from Charles-Towh. 
The ^tb of the i itb Month \ tbejt& of the Week 

This day I returned, with my Wife and Chila, to 
CbarleS'Tou/ny leaving Robert Bafrcu^ in 2, weak and low 
Condition, with Margaret Bdmmet, I, my Wife and 
Family, \l^ith jofepb Kirle, were entertained by Captain 
James ^ibee, the time of our ftay in Carolind. Our 
Sea-meii were moftly imployed, fomein one Veffel, aftd 
fome in another, that belonged to the Porr. ' 

The 6th of the' iitb Months, the id of the Week. 

Jofepb Kirle went hence to the Ifland of Vro^oidence 
In hopes of gaining fpeedy PalTage fox Tenftlvania^ the 
place of his abode. « 

Towards the beginning of this Month, Robert Barrow 
was brought to Charles^Tcwn, bcin^ extream Weak, 
^nd was Lodged at the Houfe oi Mary Crsfs^ who 

C 8? ) 

the i8f6 of the ifi Month ; the $th of the Week. 

This Day, I, with my Family, and Rohert BdYro^^ 
iSmbarqued, and fet Sail from this place for Fenfilvanla^ 
.'snd had fourteen Days Paflfage to Philadelphia. 

The ^th of the id Month ; the ift of the Week. 

This Day, in the Evening, Robert Barrow departed 
this Life, and was Buried the 6th. Inftant, having paf- 
fcd through great Exercifes, in much Patience ; and in 
all the times of our greateft Troubles, was ready to 
Counfel us to Patience, and to wait what the Lord 
our God would bring to pafs : And he would oftep 
cxprefs, That it was his Belief, that our Lives fliould be 
fpared, and not be loft in that Wilderncls, and ampngft 
thofe People, who would have made a Prey of us. And 
fo this good Man, having fini/hed his Courfe with Joy, 
laid down his Body, and is with Him who rewards 

Thus, having compleated our hard PalFage hither,' 
wherein God's great Mercy, and wonderftil loving 
Kindnefs, hath been largely extended unto us, in de- 
livering and preferving us, to this Day and Time ; I 
hope that I^ with all thofe of us, that have been fpared 
hitherto, fliall never be forgetful nor unmindful of the 
low Eftate we were brought unto; but that we may 
double our Diligence in ferving the Lord God, is the 
greathing, and earneft Defire of my Soul. Amen. 

Jonathan Bickenfono