Young Living Essential Oils
Before I begin with the story of our introduction into essential oils I
invite you to learn about the remarkable man,
Gary Young, who founded
Young Living Essential Oils. Gary has a remarkable story and once you get to know him
you can truly appreciate what this man has accomplised and the many people he has
Our Story
How is it that an engineer / computer programmer became
involved with essential oils? Here is my
story. It all started in February 2006. I was looking for a birthday present for my wife.
I knew that my mother-in-law was using some type of oils for her health, but I didn't
really know anything about them. My wife has always been interested in herbal products
so I called my mother-in-law and asked about the essential oils and whether she could
order a kit for me. She ordered the
Essential 7 kit.
My wife was not feeling overly well on her birthday, but I gave her the gift. She had
a slight headache and the only thing she did was to open up the Essential 7 box and take out the oils.
She smelled them with out opening them.
Later she remarked that after smelling the bottles her headache was gone.
What really sold me on the oils was when we ordered the Raindrop kit. I have had
a crooked spine, which has caused me pain over the years. We were amateurs and really did
not know what we were doing, but followed the directions for the raindrop technique. After
our first session, I grew 5/8 of an inch. I dropped to about 3/8 of an inch taller than my
normal height for about
10 days at which time my back relaxed back into its normal position. With the second
raindrop application I grew 3/4 of an inch. The application of the oils also reduced the
pain I was feeling.
One day my wife and I were both depressed to the point of not
having any energy. We decide to try some of the oils. We rubbed on Roman Chamomile,
Valerian, Rosemary and Peppermint up and down our spines. Within 5 minutes we awoke
from the stupor we were in with an exhilarating feeling. It was a WOW moment.
We have had a number of wow moments and invite you to experience the oils yourself.
As distributors the FDA prevents us from saying too much about the medical benefits
of these wonderful products, but there are a number of resources
that you can go to learn how to recover your health or simply to enhance it.
As independent Young Living distributors and product users, we the authors of and
invite you to feel the difference in your lives as well as to
build a rewarding home business.
If you have any questions we would love to talk with you.
You can reach us at
Free Essential Oils Desk Reference

For those who open up an account with Young Living, we are offering the incentive of a free
Essential Oils Desk Reference Online Edition through
Life Science Publising. This guide will help you learn how to use essential
oil products. This offer is extended to those who sign up as an Independent Distributor.
There are good financial reasons for doing
this. As a Distributor you automatically save about 25% on your products.
You also receive the rewards of signing up your friends and family under you. As they
purchase products you will start receiving checks. You will also be introduced to the
Essential Rewards program. On this program you will
receive your favorite products each month and receive reward credits that can be
redeemed later. Here are the steps to receive your free book.
- Sign up as an Independent Distributor. Select
"Independent Distributor". If you are asked for a "Sponsor ID" and/or
"Enroller ID", enter 882559.
If you follow the above link you will not have to do this as you will
automatically have Rosanna Hamilton (882559) as your sponsor.
- Select a Premium Starter Kit.
- Choose one of the Essential Rewards Kits and enroll in the
"Essential Rewards"
program. You are guaranteed monthly shipments of your favorite Young Living products. There
is discounted pricing on exclusive product packages. You
receive an 10% product credit that you can redeem later. Postage is less and
you will receive news letters. After 6 months of being enrolled in the program
the product credit jumps to 15% and then after a year it jumps to 20%.
The Essential Rewards Kits include:
- Balance Essential Rewards Kit
- Beauty Essential Rewards Kit
- Home Essential Rewards Kit
- Lifestyle Essential Rewards Kit
- Wellness Essential Rewards Kit
Each month you can modify what you receive.
- For those who enroll as an Independent Distributor and enroll in the Essential Rewards program, we
will provide you a free subscription of the "Essential Oils Desk Reference Online Edition," a $39.95 value.
This is a great reference on how to use the oils and other Young Living products.
- Send us an e-mail (
) when you have signed up so
that we can send you your book. This is our personal offer to you. It is independent
of Young Living Essential Oils.
- Note: We can only make this offer to those who sign up as Independent Distributors
under Rosanna Hamilton (882559).
Young Living Links
Remember when you enroll you will need our Sponsor ID:
- Business Compensation Plan (pdf)
- More on the Business Opportunity
- Success Stories
- About the Products copyright © 2003-2007 Calvin & Rosanna Hamilton. All rights reserved.