Plants of the Grand Canyon
There are more than 1,500 known species of vascular plants, 167 species
of fungi, 64 species of moss and 195 species of lichen found in Grand
Canyon National Park. This variety is largely due to the 8,000 foot
elevation change from the river up to the highest point on the North Rim.
Grand Canyon boasts a dozen endemic plants (known only within the Park's
boundaries) while only ten percent of the Park's flora is exotic.
Sixty-three plants found here have been given special status by the U.S.
Fish and Wildlife Service. Grand Canyon National Park contains 129
vegetation communities, and the composition and distribution of plant
species is influenced by climate, geomorphology and geology.
Along the Colorado River and its perennial tributaries, a riparian
community exists. Coyote willow, arrowweed, seep willow, western honey
mesquite, catclaw acacia, and exotic tamarisk (saltcedar) are the
predominant species. Hanging gardens, seeps and springs often contain
rare plants such as the white-flowering redbud tree, haploppapus and
Above the river corridor a desert scrub community, composed of North
American desert flora, thrives. Typical warm desert species such as
creosote bush, white bursage, brittle brush, catclaw acacia, ocotillo,
mariola, western honey mesquite, four-wing saltbush, big sagebrush,
blackbrush and rubber rabbitbrush grow in this zone.
Above the desert scrub and up to 6,200 feet is a pinyon pine, Utah and
one seed juniper woodland. Within this woodland one can find big
sagebrush, snakeweed, Mormon tea, Utah agave, banana and narrowleaf
yucca, snakeweed, winterfat, Indian ricegrass, dropseed, and needlegrass.
Ponderosa pine forests grow at elevations between 6,500 feet
and 8,200 feet, on both North and South rims. Additional species such
as Gambel oak, New Mexico locust, mountain mahogany, elderberry, creeping
mahonia, and fescue have been identified in these forests. Above 8,200
feet, spruce-fir forests characterized by Englemann spruce, blue spruce,
Douglas fir, white fir, aspen, and mountain ash, along with several
species of perennial grasses, groundsels, yarrow, cinquefoil, lupines,
sedges, and asters, brave the sub-alpine climate.
Montane meadows and subalpine grassland communities are rare and located
only on the North Rim. Both are typified by many grass species. Some of
these grasses include blue and black grama, big galleta, Indian ricegrass
and three-awns. The wettest areas support sedges and forbs.
Utah Agave
Agave utahensis
There is no real common name for this plant, but has been called the Kaibab century plant,
in reference to the (incorrect) belief that it flowered after a hundred years. Agave is from
the Greek word meaning noble, from the imposing stature, and utahensis means of or from Utah.
Its flower stalk, shown here, can grow at a rate of over a foot a day.
Banana Yucca
Yucca baccata
A low growing plant usually less than one meter tall, the yucca may flower many times
during its life but usually not every year. The baked fruits were a main staple for
native peoples and are still eaten to a smaller extent today. Thick leaves contain
many threads or fibers which have a variety of uses.
Cowania stansburiana
Cliffrose is a shaggy evergreen member of the rose family. Its showy cream-colored
blossomes and long white plumed seeds are conspicuous most of the summer.
Chamaebatiaria millefolium
The leaves of this plant identify it as fernbush. Other common names are tansybush
and desertsweet. The finely divided leaves are evergreen and browsed by deer. The
small but numerous white blossoms appear in August, attracting great numbers of
pollenizing insects.
Currant Bush
Ribes sp.
The currant bush is in the genus Ribes. Ribes serves as alternate hosts for the
fungus of white pine blister rust and are removed where commercially important
stands of white pine occur. Currant berries are food for birds and small mammals.
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