American Mountainash American Moutainash
Sorbus americana* Marsh. (Rosaceae)
*Synonym: Pyrus americana (Marsh) D.C.

Common Names
American moutainash, American rowan tree, American service tree, dogberry, Indian mozemize, life-of-man, masse-misse, missy-massy, missey-moosey, mountain ash, mountain sumach, quick beam, round tree, roundwood, wild ashe, wine tree, witchwood.

A shrub or small tree that grows to 30 feet in height. Bark is smooth and light gray. Compound leaves consist of 11 to 17 narrow, pointed, toothed leaflets about 1 ¼ to 4 inches long. White flowers appear in dense, round, or flatish clusters about 3 to 6 inches across. Large, dense, showy clusters of bright red berries about the size of peas appear in late fall.

Flowering Period
June to July.

Evergreen forests and waste areas.

Bark and fruit.

Common names: Description: Flowering period: Habitat: Harvest: Uses: The berries have been used to treat scurvy and as a vemifuge. Bark preparations have been used for biliousness.

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