Wild Indigo
Baptisia tinctoria (L.) R. BR. (Fabaceae)

Common Names
Wild indigo, clover bloom, dyer's baptisia, false indigo, horsefly weed, indigo broom, indigo weed, rattlebush, rattleweed, yellow broom, yellow wild indigo.

A perennial that grows 2 to 4 feet in height. Stem is erect, and has alternate branches that contain several whorls of 3 clover-like leaflets. Each branch has a whorl or 3 leaflets where it attaches to the stem. Leaves are nearly sessile. Yellow flowers, which are arranged at the tops of the highest branches, are ½ inch long, and form brown ½-inch cylindrical pods.

Flowering Period
April to August.

Mostly in dry open woods in clearings.

Roots in fall, herb in summer.

Most authors agree that the herb has value as a febrifuge, tonic, purgative, and antiseptic.

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