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Mountain Lion Petroglyph
Mountain Lion petroglyph found near Blue Mesa in 1934. It was probably made during the 12th or 13th century. Cougars were revered by Pueblo Indians for their hunting ability. [ more ]

Petrified Forest Petroglyphs

The following are a selection of petroglyphs pictures found at or near the Puerco Pueblo ruins within Petrified Forest National Park. The drawings, pecked into the rocks, allow a glimpse into the cultural life of the people who lived in Puerco Pueble 600 to 800 years ago.

Ancient artists chipped away the dark desert varnish coating the rocks exposing lighter rock beneath. Their handiwork includes representations of kachinas, human faces, hunting scenes, bighorn sheep, antelope, birds, lizards, and snakes. The exact purpose and meaning of the designs and representations is unknown. Additional images can be found in the Petrified Forest Petroglyphs section of the photo library.

Puerco Petroglyphs

Puerco Petroglyphs Puerco Petroglyphs Puerco Petroglyphs

Puerco Petroglyphs Puerco Petroglyphs Puerco Petroglyphs

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